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 POST 1054  5/28/2023   40   225   5   $695.00   District 2, Memorial Day Ceremony at Commonwealth War Cemetery, Hodogaya, Yokohama. Attended by 7th Fleet CMC, CFAY CMC, Masons, Scouts and their families, from BSA Far East Council East Asia, Representatives from Royal Navy Assoc. and British Royal Legion. CFAY PAO representative filming and providing media coverage. 
 POST 1054  5/31/2023   3   2   1   $0.00   Veteran / Family Member Visits: 0 Hospital Visits: 1 Communications: 7 Correspondence Received 0 Correspondence Sent 0 Emails Received 2 Emails Sent 2 Text/Msg Received 2 Telephone calls 1 Faxs 0 Rating Queries: 0 Veteran Outreach: 1 Other: 0 Social Media: 2 New VFW Members: 0 Reinstated VFW Members: 0 NOTES "Comrade Commander Simpkins, Here is my report for May 2023. In addition to Service Officer duties, I ran this year's Mikasa Park Curry Festival and raised $1,535.04. When I say ""I ran"" I mean my wife (and Auxilliary member at large) Sayuri ran it and I just did the heavy lifting. Thank you Commander for supporting the event both days as well as PDC Farris stopping by to support for a bit. Sayuri, Tim Anderson and myself also supported the 25th (2023) Kanrinmaru Festival by rasing funds through Buddy Poppy donations and community engagement. I will be attending the Department Convention in Phnom Penh, Cambodia from 9 to 16 June. YICS, Mike Lutman SO1054 JVC DPA" 
 POST 1054  5/31/2023   3   0   1   $20.00   POST 1054 VSO REPORT FOR MAY 2023 Veteran / Family Member Visits: 0 Hospital Visits: 1 Communications: 7 Correspondence Received 0 Correspondence Sent 0 Emails Received 2 Emails Sent 2 Text/Msg Received 2 Telephone calls 1 Faxs 0 Rating Queries: 0 Veteran Outreach: 1 Other: 0 Social Media: 2 New VFW Members: 0 Reinstated VFW Members: 0 V/R Mike Lutman VSO 1054 JVC DPA  
 POST 1054  6/25/2023   1   0   1   $0.00   Created Certificate of Appreciation for JRNROTC Cadets, Kinnick High School for providing Color Guard for the District 2 Memorial Day Ceremony, will be presented at their next ceremony once school starts.  
 POST 1054  6/26/2023   5   0   1   $30.00   Created Certificates of Appreciation and coins for Scouts, Hunter Kim, Madi Darrington for their participation as MC for the Memorial Day Ceremony, and Certificates of Appreciation for Troop 13G, Troop 35, Troop 34 and Pack 33 for their participation in the Ceremony. Turned over to JVC/Scouter Chad Yeager for presentation.  
 POST 1054  6/30/2023   3   0   1   $0.00   Veteran Service Officer Report for June 2023 and Summary for 2022-2023 Year

JUNE 2023:

Veteran / Family Member Visits: 0
Hospital Visits: 1
Communications: 7
Correspondence Received 0
Correspondence Sent 0
Emails Received 2
Emails Sent 2
Text/Msg Received 2
Telephone calls 1
Faxs 0 Rating Queries: 0
Veteran Outreach: 0
Other: 0
Social Media: 0
New VFW Members: 0
Reinstated VFW Members: 0
SUMMARY 2022-2023
Veteran / Family Member Visits: 2
Hospital Visits: 11
Communications: 85
Correspondence Received 4
Correspondence Sent 4
Emails Received 25
Emails Sent 25
Text/Msg Received 13
Telephone calls 14
Faxs 0
Rating Queries: 3
Veteran Outreach: 1
Other: 4
Social Media: 44
New VFW Members: 7NL
Reinstated VFW Members: 3RL
V/R Mike Lutman VSO 1054 DPA SVC
 POST 1054  7/1/2023   3   10   1   $0.00   Picked up Buddy Poppy donations from 14 cans at 8 business locations. Yen 20229 $25.17.  
 POST 1054  7/2/2023   1   3   1   $0.00   Proudly observed morning colors.  
 POST 1054  7/2/2023   1   3   1   $0.00   Proudly observed evening colors and gave training on proper flag folding.  
 POST 1054  7/3/2023   1   3   1   $0.00   Proudly observed morning colors.  
 POST 1054  7/8/2023   1   3   1   $0.00   Proudly observed evening colors and gave training on proper flag folding.  
 POST 1054  7/8/2023   4   18   1   $90.00   Post 1054, Annual Commander Non-Member Supporter Awards Ceremony at Post Canteen. Created and presented Framed Certificates and Post coins or Pins to recipients.  
 POST 1054  7/9/2023   1   3   1   $0.00   Proudly observed morning colors.  
 POST 1054  7/12/2023   1   3   1   $0.00   Proudly observed morning colors.  
 POST 1054  7/12/2023   1   3   1   $0.00   Proudly observed evening colors and gave training on proper flag folding.  
 POST 1054  7/13/2023   1   3   2   $0.00   Proudly observed morning colors and gave training on proper hoisting.  
 POST 1054  7/16/2023   1   3   1   $0.00   Proudly observed evening colors and gave training on proper flag folding.  
 POST 1054  7/16/2023   1   3   1   $0.00   Proudly observed morning colors.  
 POST 1054  7/17/2023   1   3   1   $0.00   Proudly observed morning colors.  
 POST 1054  7/20/2023   1   3   1   $0.00   Proudly observed morning colors.  
 POST 1054  7/20/2023   1   3   1   $0.00   Proudly observed evening colors and gave training on proper flag folding.  
 POST 1054  7/21/2023   1   3   1   $0.00   Proudly observed morning colors.  
 POST 1054  7/24/2023   1   3   1   $0.00   Proudly observed morning colors.  
 POST 1054  7/24/2023   1   3   1   $0.00   Proudly observed evening colors and gave training on proper flag folding.  
 POST 1054  7/25/2023   1   3   1   $0.00   Proudly observed morning colors.  
 POST 1054  7/27/2023   1   0   1   $300.00   Donated $300 to Class 2024-2025 National Home Project (4H Trailer).  
 POST 1054  7/28/2023   1   3   1   $0.00   Proudly observed evening colors.  
 POST 1054  7/28/2023   1   3   1   $0.00   Proudly observed morning colors.  
 POST 1054  7/29/2023   3   14   1   $0.00   Monthly collection of Buddy Poppy Donations from 13 Cans located at various businesses in Yokosuka. $22.70 and 2658 Yen.  
 POST 1054  7/29/2023   1   3   1   $0.00   Proudly observed morning colors.  
 POST 1054  7/31/2023   3   0   1   $0.00   Post 1054 Service Officer Report: July 2023 Veterans Assisted: Widows & Dependents Assisted: 4 Number of VFW Members recruited: 1 Claims Forwarded to ADSO: Claims Forwarded to DSO: 0 Claims Filed by Claimant: Referred to NON-VFW Claims Agent: 0  
 POST 1054  7/31/2023   3   5   1   $173.91   Raised $173.91 through monthly Buddy Poppy Drive partnering with various businesses in the Yokosuka community raising community awareness about the VFW Buddy Poppy program and Veterans Support through the relief fund.  
 Post 1054 Total 92 341 37 $1,308.91
 POST 9555  5/1/2023   3   5   1   $5.00   Volunteered at Yokota RAO. The Yokota Air Base Retiree Activities office provide information and referrals to military retirees, their dependents and surviving spouses for issues they may have while they reside in Japan. Some of these issues include: taxes, death/survivor benefits, pay, legal issues, generalized living information, benefits, medical, etc  
 POST 9555  5/5/2023   3   5   1   $5.00   Volunteered at Yokota RAO. The Yokota Air Base Retiree Activities office provide information and referrals to military retirees, their dependents and surviving spouses for issues they may have while they reside in Japan. Some of these issues include: taxes, death/survivor benefits, pay, legal issues, generalized living information, benefits, medical, etc  
 POST 9555  5/8/2023   3   5   1   $5.00   Volunteered at Yokota RAO. The Yokota Air Base Retiree Activities office provide information and referrals to military retirees, their dependents and surviving spouses for issues they may have while they reside in Japan. Some of these issues include: taxes, death/survivor benefits, pay, legal issues, generalized living information, benefits, medical, etc  
 POST 9555  5/10/2023   6   42   1   $13.00   Volunteered at Yokota RAO. The Yokota Air Base Retiree Activities office provide information and referrals to military retirees, their dependents and surviving spouses for issues they may have while they reside in Japan. Some of these issues include: taxes, death/survivor benefits, pay, legal issues, generalized living information, benefits, medical, etc  
 POST 9555  5/12/2023   3   5   1   $5.00   Volunteered at Yokota RAO. The Yokota Air Base Retiree Activities office provide information and referrals to military retirees, their dependents and surviving spouses for issues they may have while they reside in Japan. Some of these issues include: taxes, death/survivor benefits, pay, legal issues, generalized living information, benefits, medical, etc  
 POST 9555  5/15/2023   3   5   1   $5.00   Volunteered at Yokota RAO. The Yokota Air Base Retiree Activities office provide information and referrals to military retirees, their dependents and surviving spouses for issues they may have while they reside in Japan. Some of these issues include: taxes, death/survivor benefits, pay, legal issues, generalized living information, benefits, medical, etc  
 POST 9555  5/26/2023   8   20   2   $600.00   Tama Hills Charity Golf Tournament  
 POST 9555  6/2/2023   3   5   1   $5.00   Volunteered at Yokota RAO. The Yokota Air Base Retiree Activities office provide information and referrals to military retirees, their dependents and surviving spouses for issues they may have while they reside in Japan. Some of these issues include: taxes, death/survivor benefits, pay, legal issues, generalized living information, benefits, medical, etc  
 POST 9555  6/5/2023   3   5   1   $5.00   Volunteered at Yokota RAO. The Yokota Air Base Retiree Activities office provide information and referrals to military retirees, their dependents and surviving spouses for issues they may have while they reside in Japan. Some of these issues include: taxes, death/survivor benefits, pay, legal issues, generalized living information, benefits, medical, etc  
 POST 9555  6/7/2023   6   42   1   $13.00   Volunteered at Yokota RAO. The Yokota Air Base Retiree Activities office provide information and referrals to military retirees, their dependents and surviving spouses for issues they may have while they reside in Japan. Some of these issues include: taxes, death/survivor benefits, pay, legal issues, generalized living information, benefits, medical, etc  
 POST 9555  6/9/2023   3   5   1   $5.00   Volunteered at Yokota RAO. The Yokota Air Base Retiree Activities office provide information and referrals to military retirees, their dependents and surviving spouses for issues they may have while they reside in Japan. Some of these issues include: taxes, death/survivor benefits, pay, legal issues, generalized living information, benefits, medical, etc  
 POST 9555  6/12/2023   3   5   1   $5.00   Volunteered at Yokota RAO. The Yokota Air Base Retiree Activities office provide information and referrals to military retirees, their dependents and surviving spouses for issues they may have while they reside in Japan. Some of these issues include: taxes, death/survivor benefits, pay, legal issues, generalized living information, benefits, medical, etc  
 POST 9555  6/14/2023   6   42   1   $13.00   Volunteered at Yokota RAO. The Yokota Air Base Retiree Activities office provide information and referrals to military retirees, their dependents and surviving spouses for issues they may have while they reside in Japan. Some of these issues include: taxes, death/survivor benefits, pay, legal issues, generalized living information, benefits, medical, etc  
 POST 9555  6/16/2023   3   5   1   $5.00   Volunteered at Yokota RAO. The Yokota Air Base Retiree Activities office provide information and referrals to military retirees, their dependents and surviving spouses for issues they may have while they reside in Japan. Some of these issues include: taxes, death/survivor benefits, pay, legal issues, generalized living information, benefits, medical, etc  
 POST 9555  6/21/2023   6   42   1   $13.00   Volunteered at Yokota RAO. The Yokota Air Base Retiree Activities office provide information and referrals to military retirees, their dependents and surviving spouses for issues they may have while they reside in Japan. Some of these issues include: taxes, death/survivor benefits, pay, legal issues, generalized living information, benefits, medical, etc  
 POST 9555  6/23/2023   6   42   1   $13.00   Volunteered at Yokota RAO. The Yokota Air Base Retiree Activities office provide information and referrals to military retirees, their dependents and surviving spouses for issues they may have while they reside in Japan. Some of these issues include: taxes, death/survivor benefits, pay, legal issues, generalized living information, benefits, medical, etc  
 POST 9555  6/26/2023   3   5   1   $5.00   Volunteered at Yokota RAO. The Yokota Air Base Retiree Activities office provide information and referrals to military retirees, their dependents and surviving spouses for issues they may have while they reside in Japan. Some of these issues include: taxes, death/survivor benefits, pay, legal issues, generalized living information, benefits, medical, etc  
 POST 9555  6/26/2023   3   50   1   $80.00   Donation to pick up Gemma Moses and family from Manila Airport after their stay in the USA to take care of PDC Robert Moses final actions  
 POST 9555  6/28/2023   6   42   1   $13.00   Volunteered at Yokota RAO. The Yokota Air Base Retiree Activities office provide information and referrals to military retirees, their dependents and surviving spouses for issues they may have while they reside in Japan. Some of these issues include: taxes, death/survivor benefits, pay, legal issues, generalized living information, benefits, medical, etc  
 POST 9555  6/28/2023   6   42   1   $13.00   Volunteered at Yokota RAO. The Yokota Air Base Retiree Activities office provide information and referrals to military retirees, their dependents and surviving spouses for issues they may have while they reside in Japan. Some of these issues include: taxes, death/survivor benefits, pay, legal issues, generalized living information, benefits, medical, etc  
 POST 9555  6/30/2023   3   5   1   $5.00   Volunteered at Yokota RAO. The Yokota Air Base Retiree Activities office provide information and referrals to military retirees, their dependents and surviving spouses for issues they may have while they reside in Japan. Some of these issues include: taxes, death/survivor benefits, pay, legal issues, generalized living information, benefits, medical, etc  
 POST 9555  7/1/2023   2   1   1   $0.00   Well check on NCM Ken Stein had he had a minor procedure performed  
 POST 9555  7/3/2023   1   5   1   $5.00   Volunteered at Yokota RAO. The Yokota Air Base Retiree Activities office provide information and referrals to military retirees, their dependents and surviving spouses for issues they may have while they reside in Japan. Some of these issues include: taxes, death/survivor benefits, pay, legal issues, generalized living information, benefits, medical, etc  
 POST 9555  7/5/2023   6   42   1   $13.00   Volunteered at Yokota RAO. The Yokota Air Base Retiree Activities office provide information and referrals to military retirees, their dependents and surviving spouses for issues they may have while they reside in Japan. Some of these issues include: taxes, death/survivor benefits, pay, legal issues, generalized living information, benefits, medical, etc  
 POST 9555  7/6/2023   2   10   1   $0.00   US Flag was presented to the widow of PDC Robert Moses  
 POST 9555  7/6/2023   3   15   1   $175.00   Donated to purchase lunch for PDC Robert Moses family and friends after Honor Guard Ceremony.  
 POST 9555  7/7/2023   3   5   1   $5.00   Volunteered at Yokota RAO. The Yokota Air Base Retiree Activities office provide information and referrals to military retirees, their dependents and surviving spouses for issues they may have while they reside in Japan. Some of these issues include: taxes, death/survivor benefits, pay, legal issues, generalized living information, benefits, medical, etc  
 POST 9555  7/7/2023   20   0   5   $500.00   Finalized paperwork for Gemma Moses the widow of PDC Robert Moses to receive benefits  
 POST 9555  7/10/2023   3   5   1   $5.00   Volunteered at Yokota RAO. The Yokota Air Base Retiree Activities office provide information and referrals to military retirees, their dependents and surviving spouses for issues they may have while they reside in Japan. Some of these issues include: taxes, death/survivor benefits, pay, legal issues, generalized living information, benefits, medical, etc  
 POST 9555  7/10/2023   1   1   1   $0.00   Well check on Comrade Pete Callahan to see how is doing.  
 POST 9555  7/11/2023   1   1   1   $0.00   Well check on Comrade Bert Marohl to see how he is doing.  
 POST 9555  7/12/2023   6   42   1   $13.00   Volunteered at Yokota RAO. The Yokota Air Base Retiree Activities office provide information and referrals to military retirees, their dependents and surviving spouses for issues they may have while they reside in Japan. Some of these issues include: taxes, death/survivor benefits, pay, legal issues, generalized living information, benefits, medical, etc  
 POST 9555  7/14/2023   3   5   1   $5.00   Volunteered at Yokota RAO. The Yokota Air Base Retiree Activities office provide information and referrals to military retirees, their dependents and surviving spouses for issues they may have while they reside in Japan. Some of these issues include: taxes, death/survivor benefits, pay, legal issues, generalized living information, benefits, medical, etc  
 POST 9555  7/14/2023   3   5   1   $5.00   Volunteered at Yokota RAO. The Yokota Air Base Retiree Activities office provide information and referrals to military retirees, their dependents and surviving spouses for issues they may have while they reside in Japan. Some of these issues include: taxes, death/survivor benefits, pay, legal issues, generalized living information, benefits, medical, etc  
 POST 9555  7/17/2023   3   5   1   $5.00   Volunteered at Yokota RAO. The Yokota Air Base Retiree Activities office provide information and referrals to military retirees, their dependents and surviving spouses for issues they may have while they reside in Japan. Some of these issues include: taxes, death/survivor benefits, pay, legal issues, generalized living information, benefits, medical, etc  
 POST 9555  7/18/2023   2   10   1   $90.00   Donation to Comrade Kevin Murphy a Desert Storm Veteran in the Angeles City area who had no money to eat until his income was received at the beginning of the next month.  
 POST 9555  7/19/2023   1   5   1   $5.00   Volunteered at Yokota RAO. The Yokota Air Base Retiree Activities office provide information and referrals to military retirees, their dependents and surviving spouses for issues they may have while they reside in Japan. Some of these issues include: taxes, death/survivor benefits, pay, legal issues, generalized living information, benefits, medical, etc  
 POST 9555  7/21/2023   3   5   1   $5.00   Volunteered at Yokota RAO. The Yokota Air Base Retiree Activities office provide information and referrals to military retirees, their dependents and surviving spouses for issues they may have while they reside in Japan. Some of these issues include: taxes, death/survivor benefits, pay, legal issues, generalized living information, benefits, medical, etc  
 POST 9555  7/24/2023   3   5   1   $5.00   Volunteered at Yokota RAO. The Yokota Air Base Retiree Activities office provide information and referrals to military retirees, their dependents and surviving spouses for issues they may have while they reside in Japan. Some of these issues include: taxes, death/survivor benefits, pay, legal issues, generalized living information, benefits, medical, etc  
 POST 9555  7/24/2023   2   42   1   $13.00   Volunteered at Yokota RAO. The Yokota Air Base Retiree Activities office provide information and referrals to military retirees, their dependents and surviving spouses for issues they may have while they reside in Japan. Some of these issues include: taxes, death/survivor benefits, pay, legal issues, generalized living information, benefits, medical, etc  
 POST 9555  7/26/2023   6   42   1   $13.00   Volunteered at Yokota RAO. The Yokota Air Base Retiree Activities office provide information and referrals to military retirees, their dependents and surviving spouses for issues they may have while they reside in Japan. Some of these issues include: taxes, death/survivor benefits, pay, legal issues, generalized living information, benefits, medical, etc  
 POST 9555  7/28/2023   3   5   1   $5.00   Volunteered at Yokota RAO. The Yokota Air Base Retiree Activities office provide information and referrals to military retirees, their dependents and surviving spouses for issues they may have while they reside in Japan. Some of these issues include: taxes, death/survivor benefits, pay, legal issues, generalized living information, benefits, medical, etc  
 POST 9555  7/31/2023   3   5   1   $5.00   Volunteered at Yokota RAO. The Yokota Air Base Retiree Activities office provide information and referrals to military retirees, their dependents and surviving spouses for issues they may have while they reside in Japan. Some of these issues include: taxes, death/survivor benefits, pay, legal issues, generalized living information, benefits, medical, etc  
 Post 9555 Total 169 685 48 $1,703.00
 POST 9612  5/3/2023   2   0   1   $0.00   Serving as Bear Den Leader, the Webelos Den Leader, and the Committee Chair for Cub Scout Pack 34, the pack covering the installations associated with Post 9612, led the monthly committee meeting organizing activities for May.  
 POST 9612  5/5/2023   3   10   3   $20.00   Participated in the Camp Zama JROTC awards. Cadet Alicia Brinegar received an award from the VFW with Certificate and Medal. Ceremony covered by Camp Zama Social Media and Youtube.  
 POST 9612  5/6/2023   5   5   1   $40.00   Serving as the Charter Organization Representative for Boy Scout Troop 34, the unit covering the installations associated with Post 9612, organized and led a car wash fundraiser on Camp Zama to fund scout activities.  
 POST 9612  5/12/2023   24   50   1   $75.00   Serving as the Charter Organization Representative for Boy Scout Troop 34, the unit covering the installations associated with Post 9612, helped to provide supervision for the troop campout at Tama Hills. 
 POST 9612  5/17/2023   2   0   2   $0.00   Service Officer Training via Zoom call.  
 POST 9612  5/17/2023   2   0   1   $0.00   Attended Yearly Service Officer training, given by Department Service Officer. This is a mandatory requirement for all Post SO to insure we are given the correct guides to the Veterans.  
 POST 9612  5/22/2023   4   10   3   $25.00   Held a Membership drive at Camp Zama Exchange. Met with 14 individuals, 3 Transfer request, 7 asked for membership applications and additional information about the VFW.  
 POST 9612  5/23/2023   1   10   1   $120.00   Donated two new sleeping bags to the Scouts for their camping events.  
 POST 9612  5/28/2023   1   20   2   $0.00   Had the Camp Zama Boy Scouts to assist at Hodogaya Cemetery clean up of head stones. 
 POST 9612  5/28/2023   4   30   1   $10.00   Serving as the Charter Organization Representative for Boy Scout Troop 34 and Cub Scout Pack 34, the units covering the installations associated with Post 9612, supported the Memorial Day ceremony at Hodogaya.  
 POST 9612  5/31/2023   3   30   4   $150.00   Members of the Post took part in the Hodogaya Memorial Day ceremony. Brought in our assigned items required for the ceremony. 
 POST 9612  5/31/2023   2   0   1   $0.00   Serving as Webelos Den Leader, the AOL Co-Den Leader, and the Charter Organization Representative for Cub Scout Pack 34, the pack covering the installations associated with Post 9612, participated in the annual planning committee meeting organizing activities for the 2023-24 school year.  
 POST 9612  6/1/2023   1   10   1   $0.00   Met with Active Duty Member from NAF Atsugi on what he needs to go for his schedule departure from Active Duty. 
 POST 9612  6/3/2023   4   2   1   $10.00   Serving as the Charter Organization Representative for BSA Troop 34, the unit covering the installations associated with Post 9612, assisted with and provided supervision for 8 BSA scouts cleaning the VFW Post 9612 building and sheds.  
 POST 9612  6/3/2023   2   20   1   $0.00   Met with and guided 5 Retired Veterans on VA benefits claims and appeals.  
 POST 9612  6/4/2023   2   5   1   $0.00   Serving as he Charter Organization Representative for BSA Troop 34, the unit covering the installations associated with Post 9612, participated in the annual planning committee meeting organizing activities for the 2023-24 school year.  
 POST 9612  6/10/2023   10   8   1   $50.00   Serving as the Charter Organization Representative for BSA Troop 34, the unit covering the installations associated with Post 9612, designed, ordered, picked up, and delivered unit t-shirts for the scouts and families.  
 POST 9612  6/11/2023   1   0   1   $0.00   Serving as Webelos Den Leader, the AOL Co-Den Leader, and the Charter Organization Representative for Cub Scout Pack 34, the pack covering the installations associated with Post 9612, conducted unit banking business with Navy Federal Credit Union.  
 POST 9612  6/11/2023   6   30   1   $20.00   Serving as the Charter Organization Representative for BSA Troop 34, the unit covering the installations associated with Post 9612, helped scouts and supplies to Tama Hills for the week long district campout.  
 POST 9612  6/18/2023   1   0   1   $0.00   Checked on a Veteran for a Buddy Check. Not seen or heard from this Veteran in a few months.  
 POST 9612  6/19/2023   1   10   1   $10.00   Checked with Vietnam Veteran that came down with a leg infection from a incest bite.. Being treated at a local Japanese Hospital.  
 POST 9612  7/4/2023   1   2   1   $0.00   Had a discussion with a Veteran about joining VFW and benefits of becoming a Member.  
 POST 9612  7/10/2023   2   10   1   $0.00   Buddy Check.  
 POST 9612  7/11/2023   6   20   1   $20.00   Spent time with veteran that needed to get out and visit two areas during the High Temperature. He having issues with his meds and getting around.  
 POST 9612  7/14/2023   1   2   1   $0.00   Spoke with Veteran on Lifetime membership. He was previously a one-year member and would like to become a Lifetime Member.  
 POST 9612  7/18/2023   4   30   2   $50.00   Assisted a visiting 9612 life member with his property at outside storage unit.  
 POST 9612  7/23/2023   2   3   2   $10.00   Assisted Post 3104 of Massachusetts making video and taking photos of the Arizona Veterans Park in Phoenix, Member dress up in WW1 uniform and played Taps for his State.  
 POST 9612  7/27/2023   3   600   1   $0.00   Visited Camp Kure commissary and talked about Post 9612 membership and benefits. Also drove to Camp Iwakuni and talked to potential new members.  
 POST 9612  7/29/2023   5   60   2   $100.00   Fellow comrade suffered a stroke, hospitalized in foreign hospital. Visited comrade and purchased some comfort items.  
 POST 9612  7/30/2023   1   0   1   $0.00   Talked to Veteran about membership, Veteran will stop by Canteen on 4 AUG 23 and sign up for life membership.  
 POST 9612  7/31/2023   2   0   1   $0.00   Supported spouse (Foreign National) of hospitalized comrade by contacting case manager, TRICARE and develop plan for future rehabilitation process,  
 POST 9612  7/31/2023   1   0   1   $0.00   Talked to a Soldier during retirement ceremony about joining VFW. Soldier signed up for life membership.  
 Post 9612 Total 109 977 44 $710.00
 District 2 Total 370 2,003 129 $3,721.91
 POST 8180  5/1/2023   4   2   1   $0.00   Assisted veteran's surviving spouse with benefits.  
 POST 8180  5/2/2023   3   6   1   $0.00   Weekly Osan AB, CAP meeting  
 POST 8180  5/6/2023   15   20   3   $2,023.00   VFW Day of Service, Pay Forward and purchase 56 soldiers' groceries at K16 Commissary on May 6 at a total cost of $2,023.60.  
 POST 8180  5/17/2023   2   6   2   $30.00   2 post members setup a recruiting information booth at the Osan newcomers orientation.  
 POST 8180  5/19/2023   36   54   9   $325.00   7 VFW members along with the VFW National Commander and Ryan Gallucci from the Washington Office attended the 3rd BCD Army Ball (our Adopted Unit) on 19 May 2023.  
 POST 8180  5/20/2023   3   4   1   $5.00   Post member drove a disabled Post to / from Commissary and Exchange to buy necessities. 
 POST 8180  5/27/2023   16   5   4   $359.45   Post 8180 along with Boy and Girl Scouts partnered to hold a Buddy Poppy Drive at the Exchange. 
 POST 8180  5/30/2023   3   6   1   $20.00   Attended the weekly Osan AB CAP meeting; awarded Cadet 2nd Lt with the VFW CAP Officers Award 
 POST 8180  6/6/2023   3   6   0   $5.00   Attended the weekly Osan AB CAP meeting 
 POST 8180  6/10/2023   2   4   2   $20.00   Assisted disabled veteran with shopping / quality of life needs.  
 POST 8180  6/16/2023   8   5   2   $0.00   Assisted veterans with VA claims process explanation and requirements.  
 POST 8180  6/17/2023   3   6   2   $20.00   Assisted disabled veteran with shopping / quality of life needs.  
 POST 8180  6/18/2023   4   2   3   $0.00   Mounted video displays and historical artifacts in the canteen to improve veteran's morale and access to current military and veteran's communications.  
 POST 8180  6/21/2023   4   12   2   $15.00   2 Members participated in the Osan AB Newcomer's Orientation on 21 Jun 23 at the Osan Enlisted Club  
 POST 8180  6/23/2023   3   120   1   $40.00   Drive to Camp Humpherys PX to purchase handheld Flags for give aways for 4th of July Celebration at Dragon Hill Lodge  
 POST 8180  6/24/2023   4   6   2   $20.00   Assisted disabled veteran with shopping / quality of life needs.  
 POST 8180  6/27/2023   3   6   1   $10.00   Attended the Osan AB CAP meeting  
 POST 8180  6/28/2023   4   12   2   $15.00   2 members participated in the 2nd of two Newcomer's Orientations on 28 Jun 23 at the Osan Enlisted Club.  
 POST 8180  7/1/2023   3   60   1   $40.00   Purchase items for Memorial Park at K-16 as a donation to the base.  
 POST 8180  7/1/2023   2   4   1   $10.00   Post member assisted invalid member with commissary, bx, and banking needs.  
 POST 8180  7/2/2023   16   30   2   $240.00   Purchased Flags, Candy passed out both distributed VFW info, recruited several people Gave out 200 $5.00 coupons that MAP paid for discounts to the food buffet.  
 POST 8180  7/2/2023   8   40   2   $20.00   Raised $144.00 and 25,000 won at Dragon Hill Independence Celebration  
 POST 8180  7/5/2023   10   40   5   $20.00   Members of VFW Post 8180 attended the Annual Task Force Smith Memorial Ceremony held by the City of Osan, in honor of the first battle of the Korean war.  
 POST 8180  7/10/2023   2   4   1   $5.00   Change of Command CoC  
 POST 8180  7/15/2023   2   48   12   $24.00   RET. Appreciation  
 POST 8180  7/15/2023   2   4   1   $10.00   Post member assisted invalid member with commissary, bx, and banking needs.  
 POST 8180  7/16/2023   2   4   1   $10.00   Post member assisted invalid member with commissary, bx, and banking needs.  
 POST 8180  7/16/2023   1   10   1   $0.00   Assisted a deceased veteran's surviving spouse.  
 POST 8180  7/18/2023   3   6   1   $10.00   Attended the Osan CAP weekly meeting  
 POST 8180  7/19/2023   6   12   2   $15.00   2 Post members participated in the Osan Newcomers' Briefing at the E-Club, 1 of 2 events each month.  
 POST 8180  7/19/2023   3   8   2   $8.00   New Comers Brief  
 POST 8180  7/20/2023   2   5   3   $0.00   Visited an elderly veteran to ensure his health is okay and his needs were being met.  
 POST 8180  7/22/2023   2   4   1   $10.00   Post member assisted invalid member with commissary, bx, and banking needs.  
 POST 8180  7/26/2023   6   12   2   $15.00   2 Post members attended the Osan Newcomers' Briefing recruited 1 new member. 2nd of two events each month.  
 POST 8180  7/26/2023   3   8   2   $8.00   New Comers Brief  
 POST 8180  7/29/2023   5   5   1   $20.00   Post member assisted invalid member with commissary, bx, and banking needs.  
 Post 8180 Total 198 586 80 $3,372.45
 POST 9985  5/13/2023   4   25   5   $650.00   Camp Casey Postal member Sponsored a community hale and farewell at the post for a fellow postal employee  
 POST 9985  5/20/2023   4   15   2   $250.00   one member celebrated son's 8 th brithday and provided food to the loacal community (cookout)  
 POST 9985  5/28/2023   6   360   8   $800.00   Conducted Annual Memorial Day ceremony and provided food to the local community after ceremony 
 POST 9985  5/29/2023   2   25   5   $100.00   Memorial Day Bubby poppy drive at Camp Casey main PX 
 POST 9985  6/2/2023   1   10   1   $10.00   one member provided transpotation for a VFW member veteran to and from the community bank on Camp Casey. This a corrective CSR used the wrong date in previous CSR.  
 POST 9985  6/2/2023   1   6   1   $10.00   one member gave community golf lessons at the Camp Casey golf course 
 POST 9985  6/9/2023   1   10   1   $10.00   one member provided transpotation for a VFW member veteran to and from the community bank on Camp Casey 
 POST 9985  6/17/2023   6   400   6   $400.00   Juneteenth celebration and served home style southern food to the local community at post  
 POST 9985  6/19/2023   2   15   2   $40.00   Two members visited a local sick veteran and his wife at home to check their physical condition and if they needed anything from on post.  
 POST 9985  6/19/2023   2   30   8   $60.00   8 members conducted Dongducheon local community clean up  
 POST 9985  6/30/2023   1   5   1   $20.00   one member gave community golf lessons at the Camp Casey golf course  
 POST 9985  7/1/2023   6   300   6   $500.00   Annual fourth of July 2023 celebration and community cook out  
 POST 9985  7/8/2023   1   10   1   $22.00   One member gave community golf lessons at the Camp Casey golf course  
 POST 9985  7/15/2023   5   36   6   $300.00   Comrade fellowship and community cook out at Post  
 POST 9985  7/28/2023   5   360   8   $450.00   Celebrated the POST 43RD Anniversary and provided food to the local community  
 Post 9985 Total 47 1,607 61 $3,622.00
 POST 10033  5/1/2023   1   0   2   $0.00   Spend some time at the gym with another member doing some lite exercises.  
 POST 10033  5/2/2023   2   0   2   $0.00   Ensured a member attended two medical appointments, assisted in taking notes during there appointment as well.  
 POST 10033  5/8/2023   6   300   2   $60.00   Drove a member to a medical appointment and back.  
 POST 10033  5/14/2023   4   10   1   $0.00   Teaching English to Koreans after church  
 POST 10033  5/16/2023   6   300   2   $60.00   Drove a member to a medical appointment and back.  
 POST 10033  5/20/2023   4   150   10   $60.00   spent time with a group of veterans, discussed life, and had a few laughs.  
 POST 10033  5/21/2023   1   3   2   $0.00   Spent time doing some exercises with a veteran and a female service member.  
 POST 10033  6/20/2023   6   0   2   $120.00   Two members met up and supported local businesses within the local Pattaya, Thailand.  
 POST 10033  6/24/2023   9   0   2   $100.00   Supported an active duty service member during their leave period with site-seeing in Pattaya, Thailand.  
 POST 10033  6/30/2023   5   128   2   $50.00   Liberty Fest support and clean up Daegu  
 POST 10033  6/30/2023   3   0   1   $0.00   Liberty Fest setup and support in Daegu.  
 POST 10033  6/30/2023   9   0   2   $0.00   Liberty Fest setup and support Daegu  
 POST 10033  7/5/2023   6   240   2   $80.00   Drove an AD service member to a medical appointment.  
 POST 10033  7/7/2023   6   240   2   $80.00   Drove an AD Serice member to a medical appointment.  
 POST 10033  7/9/2023   4   10   1   $0.00   Teaching English to local Koreans.  
 POST 10033  7/16/2023   4   10   1   $0.00   Teaching English to local Koreans.  
 POST 10033  7/23/2023   4   10   1   $0.00   Teach English to Koreans after church.  
 POST 10033  7/24/2023   1   0   2   $0.00   Assisted with a medical appointment, ensuring they got medical care, and took notes for them.  
 POST 10033  7/30/2023   4   10   1   $0.00   Teach English to Koreans after church.  
 Post 10033 Total 85 1,411 40 $610.00
 POST 10223  5/1/2023   1   0   1   $0.00   Telephonic visit to a family member in Hospice.  
 POST 10223  5/13/2023   4   36   2   $50.00   Donated 25 cases of water to the Camp Humphreys USO  
 POST 10223  5/19/2023   1   0   1   $0.00   Telephonic Buddy check for Veteran with illness.  
 POST 10223  5/20/2023   1   0   1   $0.00   Telephonic Buddy Check to a Veteran with illness.  
 POST 10223  5/21/2023   1   0   3   $0.00   Telephonic Buddy Check to Veteran with illness from Members at the Post Home.  
 POST 10223  5/25/2023   4   23   1   $0.00   Participated in the Buddy Poppy Drive in support of Post 10033 at the Camp Walker PX  
 POST 10223  6/8/2023   1   0   1   $0.00   Telephonic visit for family member in Hospice  
 POST 10223  6/13/2023   4   36   2   $50.00   Donated 25 cases of water to the Camp Humphreys USO  
 POST 10223  6/15/2023   1   0   1   $0.00   Telephonic visit for a Family member in Hospice.  
 POST 10223  6/16/2023   5   120   1   $0.00   Hospital Visit to a family member in hospice. 1.5 hours for the visit. 3 hours round trip for travel.  
 POST 10223  6/24/2023   0   0   1   $0.00   Telephonic visit to a family member in Hospice.  
 POST 10223  6/26/2023   2   40   2   $0.00   Provided Transportation for a Fellow VFW member and an active duty Family from Fayetteville NC regional Airport to residences.  
 POST 10223  6/30/2023   22   25   1   $0.00   Volunteered 22 hours at the USAG Humphreys USO  
 POST 10223  7/2/2023   1   0   1   $0.00   Telephonic visit to a family member in Hospice.  
 POST 10223  7/3/2023   2   58   1   $0.00   Hospital Visit to a family member in Hospice.  
 POST 10223  7/13/2023   4   36   2   $50.00   Donated 25 cases of water to the Camp Humphreys USO  
 POST 10223  7/15/2023   2   0   1   $0.00   Hospital visit to a family member in Hospice.  
 POST 10223  7/24/2023   1   0   1   $0.00   Telephonic visit to a family member in Hospice.  
 POST 10223  7/25/2023   1   8   1   $0.00   Hospital visit to a family member or friend.  
 POST 10223  7/26/2023   1   0   1   $0.00   Telephonic visit to a Family Member with Illness  
 POST 10223  7/27/2023   2   0   1   $0.00   Telephonic visit to a Family Member with Illness.  
 POST 10223  7/27/2023   1   8   1   $0.00   Hospital visit to a family member or friend  
 POST 10223  7/31/2023   40   45   1   $0.00   Volunteered 40 hours at the USAG Humphreys USO  
 Post 10223 Total 97 435 29 $150.00
 District 3 Total 427 4,039 210 $7,754.45
 POST 9723  5/20/2023   7   0   8   $0.00   Members participated in Buddy poppy drive at Kadena AB Commissary 
 POST 9723  5/20/2023   1   0   3   $0.00   Member meet with base Navy hospital officials to get and distribute information on Covid booster vaccine shots 
 POST 9723  5/20/2023   8   0   1   $0.00   Member provided support for the MCCS behavior health branch Family advocacy program 
 POST 9723  5/21/2023   7   0   8   $0.00   Members participated in Buddy poppy drive at Kadena AB Commissary 
 POST 9723  5/23/2023   1   0   3   $0.00   Member visited base unit for membership drive - one life time member signed up 
 POST 9723  5/25/2023   7   0   4   $0.00   Members participated in Buddy poppy drive at Camp Foster Base exchange - for national buddy poppy day 
 POST 9723  5/26/2023   5   0   10   $1,200.00   Members participated in our sponsored unit - 320th STS on Kadena AB, for their Memorial day BBQ- Donated food for event 
 POST 9723  5/29/2023   3   30   8   $0.00   Members participated in annual Memorial day flag placing event at Tomari cemetery. Placing flags on graves of fellow veterans as well as wreath laying ceremony at peace prey park. 
 POST 9723  6/6/2023   2   0   1   $0.00   Member spent time with base members discussing - planning the POW/MIA event for September  
 POST 9723  6/8/2023   2   10   1   $0.00   Member spent time with base members discussing - planning the POW/MIA event for September  
 POST 9723  6/13/2023   4   0   2   $0.00   Members volunteered with Scouts event  
 POST 9723  6/13/2023   2   10   1   $0.00   Member spent time with base members discussing - planning the POW/MIA event for September  
 POST 9723  6/13/2023   2   10   1   $0.00   Member spent time with base members discussing - planning the POW/MIA event for September  
 POST 9723  6/19/2023   2   10   1   $0.00   Member assisted veteran in processing VA benefit claims  
 POST 9723  7/5/2023   1   0   1   $0.00   Commander Meet with Kadena POW/MIA planners to discuss up-and-coming ceremony details for Sept.  
 POST 9723  7/6/2023   4   8   4   $500.00   Commander and Post members with American Legion Post 28 performed a memorial service for a member that passed away. Provided benefits briefing to widow along with all documents.  
 POST 9723  7/24/2023   1   5   1   $0.00   A briefed veteran on available VA benefits and contacts on the island that can help with VA claims.  
 POST 9723  7/27/2023   5   0   1   $0.00   Post Member aided a veteran in support for the family to medically evacuated from Island.  
 POST 9723  7/29/2023   12   0   6   $300.00   Post Conducted fundraiser at Foster Commissary.  
 POST 9723  7/30/2023   12   0   6   $475.00   Post Conducted fundraiser at Foster Commissary.  
 Post 9723 Total 88 83 71 $2,475.00
 POST 9957  5/3/2023   3   5   1   $0.00   Teach English to Taiwan Senior Citizens  
 POST 9957  5/10/2023   3   5   1   $0.00   Teach English to Taiwan Senior Citizens  
 POST 9957  5/17/2023   3   5   1   $0.00   Teach English to Taiwan Senior Citizens  
 POST 9957  5/24/2023   6   300   1   $1,300.00   Presented VOD awards to Morrison Academy Students  
 POST 9957  5/24/2023   3   5   1   $0.00   Teach English to Taiwan Senior Citizens  
 POST 9957  5/24/2023   6   300   1   $0.00   Presented Teacher's Award to Morrison Academy teacher (Mr. Darren Lu)  
 POST 9957  5/24/2023   6   300   1   $200.00   Presented PP awards to Morrison Academy Students  
 POST 9957  5/28/2023   1   50   8   $0.00   Post 9957 hosted US Memorial Day Service at Taipei Prison Wall - Taiwan POW Society  
 POST 9957  6/7/2023   3   5   1   $0.00   Teach English to Taiwan Senior Citizens  
 POST 9957  6/14/2023   3   5   1   $0.00   Teach English to Taiwan Senior Citizens  
 POST 9957  6/18/2023   1   50   10   $0.00   Attended and support Taiwan POW Society WWII US Airmen's Memorial Service at Taiwan Prison Wall (19 June 1945)  
 POST 9957  6/21/2023   3   5   1   $0.00   Teach English to Taiwan Senior Citizens  
 POST 9957  6/28/2023   3   5   1   $0.00   Teach English to Taiwan Senior Citizens  
 POST 9957  7/2/2023   9   50   1   $235.00   Post 9957 member assisted and worked on repairs for a veteran's porch  
 POST 9957  7/5/2023   3   5   1   $0.00   Teach English to Taiwan Senior Citizens  
 POST 9957  7/12/2023   3   5   1   $0.00   Teach English to Taiwan Senior Citizens  
 POST 9957  7/19/2023   3   5   1   $0.00   Teach English to Taiwan Senior Citizens  
 POST 9957  7/31/2023   5   35   1   $75.00   Assisted with local Pittsburg (suburb - Aliquippa) community building/coffee center program at the Uncommon Grounds Coffee Shop  
 Post 9957 Total 67 1,140 34 $1,810.00
 POST 10249  5/1/2023   1   0   1   $145.00   Financial Aid to student  
 POST 10249  5/4/2023   2   28   2   $103.00   Purchase Supplies for school donation  
 POST 10249  5/4/2023   4   186   2   $1,000.00   Donation to village project  
 POST 10249  5/29/2023   1   10   6   $0.00   Memorial day services 
 POST 10249  6/1/2023   78   0   54   $0.00   PSO assistance to Veterans and Families  
 POST 10249  6/1/2023   1   0   1   $145.00   Financial Aid to Student  
 POST 10249  6/23/2023   3   60   2   $12.00   Assistance to Widow  
 POST 10249  7/1/2023   1   0   1   $145.00   Financial support for student  
 POST 10249  7/2/2023   6   60   15   $635.00   Independence Day Celebration  
 POST 10249  7/16/2023   2   5   2   $0.00   Visit a member that got out of hospital with a broken ankle  
 Post 10249 Total 99 349 86 $2,185.00
 POST 11575  5/1/2023   4   2   2   $200.00   Wellness check on hospitalized member and providing of subsistence 
 POST 11575  5/8/2023   6   6   2   $400.00   Support of hospitalized member and subsistence 
 POST 11575  5/10/2023   4   96   3   $120.00   Outreach to local members on homecare 
 POST 11575  5/15/2023   3   4   2   $600.00   Wellness check and subsistence provided to hospitalized post member 
 POST 11575  5/21/2023   6   6   2   $300.00   Wellness and substance provided to hospitalized post ,member 
 POST 11575  5/31/2023   160   120   1   $500.00   Homecare and assistance to comrade Andy Richards due to hospitalization and recovery provided by membership.  
 POST 11575  5/31/2023   15   10   1   $250.00   Baker - Veteran outreach to infirmed member for the month of May  
 POST 11575  6/7/2023   2   2   1   $0.00   Farrell-Veteran outreach to homebound veteran after surgery  
 POST 11575  6/11/2023   3   0   6   $380.00   Buddy poppy drive  
 POST 11575  6/13/2023   3   0   4   $400.00   Buddy poppy drive  
 POST 11575  6/27/2023   30   10   1   $125.00   Baker-Outreach to homebound veteran after hospitalization for the month of June.,  
 POST 11575  6/30/2023   10   0   2   $0.00   SO assistance to local veterans 
 POST 11575  7/1/2023   4   5   5   $100.00   Partnering event with the American Chamber of commerce to include a recruiting drive for Veterans in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.  
 POST 11575  7/6/2023   3   96   4   $50.00   Outreach to Veterans residing in Phnom Penh  
 POST 11575  7/8/2023   1   0   2   $0.00   As DPA JVC, I conducted a wellness check on veterans residing in Taiwan after reported earthquake  
 POST 11575  7/13/2023   2   0   1   $0.00   Assistance to veterans spouse due to his hospitalization  
 POST 11575  7/16/2023   3   20   1   $50.00   Farrell visited several temples in Takeo province to deliver rice donations and monetary donations.  
 POST 11575  7/19/2023   1   0   1   $50.00   DPA JVC Farrell donation to the National home for children at the National convention.  
 POST 11575  7/31/2023   25   40   2   $100.40   Assistance to homebound veteran and the delivery of subsistence and medical supplies.  
 POST 11575  7/31/2023   12   0   1   $20.00   Phone assistance to a veteran in Siem Reap to resolve his personnel finances which were affecting his mental health.  
 POST 11575  7/31/2023   60   50   2   $150.00   Assistance to homebound veteran delivering food an assistance for medical appointments.  
 Post 11575 Total 357 467 46 $3,795.40
 POST 12146  5/1/2023   2   30   1   $150.00   Donated Personal hygiene items to local orphanage and school  
 POST 12146  5/2/2023   12   1,175   1   $550.00   Attended DPAA Repatriation Ceremony at US Embassy Singapore to return possible remain from PNG to Hawaii H2  
 POST 12146  5/3/2023   5   10   2   $0.00   Planning meeting with Director of Schools for providing school uniforms for the neediest children  
 POST 12146  5/4/2023   2   75   1   $100.00   Bought dinner for DPAA Honor Guard member in Singapore H2  
 POST 12146  5/6/2023   8   0   1   $0.00   SO Duties  
 POST 12146  5/10/2023   6   14   3   $0.00   Planning meeting with local government official for Post 4th of July event  
 POST 12146  5/12/2023   3   25   2   $150.00   Paid for lunch for 3 active duty Recovery Team Members in DaNang Airport prior to their flight back to US.  
 POST 12146  5/12/2023   8   0   1   $0.00   SO Duties  
 POST 12146  5/13/2023   1   0   1   $1,000.00   Donated to Veteran Relief Fund to assist Vets.  
 POST 12146  5/15/2023   2   4   1   $0.00   G. Stocks met other vets and non vets to discuss changes affecting us in a foreign Community. 
 POST 12146  5/15/2023   2   1   1   $0.00   J. Snowden met other vets and non vets to discuss changes affecting us in a foreign Community. 
 POST 12146  5/15/2023   2   4   1   $0.00   T. Hebron met other vets and non vets to discuss changes affecting us in a foreign Community. 
 POST 12146  5/15/2023   2   4   1   $0.00   V. Goncalves.. met other vets and non vets to discuss changes affecting us in a foreign Community. 
 POST 12146  5/15/2023   2   4   1   $0.00   J. Edgren met other vets and non vets to discuss changes affecting us in a foreign Community. 
 POST 12146  5/17/2023   6   50   2   $50.00   Assisted with GIS School Sports day and purchased fruit for the children participating.  
 POST 12146  5/17/2023   2   0   1   $0.00   Training  
 POST 12146  5/19/2023   1   0   1   $100.00   Donated Clothing and shoes to local children's charity  
 POST 12146  5/20/2023   2   75   1   $200.00   Provided financial assistance to Vet in need in Pattaya due to illness. H2  
 POST 12146  5/20/2023   8   65   4   $110.00   Represented our post at the Royal British Legion event commemorating the coronation of King Charles. Partnered with America Legion  
 POST 12146  5/20/2023   4   0   1   $0.00   So Duties  
 POST 12146  5/21/2023   5   250   1   $75.00   Drove Vet to Bangkok Airport to fly back to US for funeral of brother H2  
 POST 12146  5/21/2023   1   0   1   $645.00   Paid School Fees for local community child who's parents are unemplyed.  
 POST 12146  5/22/2023   2   2   1   $0.00   A. Grisby met other vets and non vets to discuss changes affecting us in a foreign Community. 
 POST 12146  5/22/2023   2   2   1   $0.00   T. Hebron met other vets and non vets to discuss changes affecting us in a foreign Community. 
 POST 12146  5/28/2023   1   8   1   $42.00   Donated 2 Pkgs of Milk Supplement to Post Home Neighbor Khun Uthai suffering from long term disability from multiple strokes. 
 POST 12146  5/28/2023   45   150   15   $216.00   15 members paid, traveled and attended a Memorial Day Event. 
 POST 12146  5/28/2023   4   10   1   $288.00   Post funds were used and D. Meurett bought and delivered nonperishible food items to Anne's Home. 
 POST 12146  5/29/2023   2   2   1   $0.00   R. Vasquez met other vets and non vets to discuss changes affecting us in a foreign Community. 
 POST 12146  5/29/2023   2   2   1   $0.00   G. Stocks met other vets and non vets to discuss changes affecting us in a foreign Community. 
 POST 12146  5/31/2023   17   0   1   $0.00   S.O. Claims & Benefits assistance 
 POST 12146  6/1/2023   3   0   1   $0.00   SO Duties  
 POST 12146  6/2/2023   3   0   1   $0.00   SO Duties  
 POST 12146  6/3/2023   4   0   1   $0.00   SO Duties  
 POST 12146  6/4/2023   3   0   1   $0.00   SO Duties  
 POST 12146  6/6/2023   2   1   1   $0.00   J. Snowden met with orther post members and non-post members and discuss changes changes that affect us living in a foreign community.  
 POST 12146  6/6/2023   2   5   1   $0.00   G. Stocks met with orther post members and non-post members and discuss changes changes that affect us living in a foreign community.  
 POST 12146  6/6/2023   2   5   1   $0.00   V. Goncalves met with orther post members and non-post members and discuss changes changes that affect us living in a foreign community.  
 POST 12146  6/6/2023   2   5   1   $0.00   T. Hebron met with orther post members and non-post members and discuss changes changes that affect us living in a foreign community.  
 POST 12146  6/6/2023   5   0   1   $0.00   SO Duties  
 POST 12146  6/8/2023   28   145   6   $2,800.00   
Provided school uniforms to 130 poor families. Worked with local district government in identifying the neediest students.

 POST 12146  6/13/2023   2   5   1   $0.00   A. Crocitto met with other post members and non-post members and discuss changes that affect us living in a foreign community.  
 POST 12146  6/13/2023   2   5   1   $0.00   A. Grisby met with other post members and non-post members and discuss changes that affect us living in foreign community.  
 POST 12146  6/20/2023   2   5   1   $0.00   Jeff Edgren met with other post members and non-post members and discuss changes that affect us living in foreign community.  
 POST 12146  6/20/2023   2   5   1   $0.00   S. Ziti met with other post members and non-post members and discuss changes that affect us living in foreign community.  
 POST 12146  6/20/2023   2   5   1   $0.00   P. Brooks met with other post members and non-post members and discuss changes that affect us living in foreign community.  
 POST 12146  6/20/2023   2   5   1   $0.00   Terry Hebron met with other post members and non-post members and discuss changes that affect us living in foreign community.  
 POST 12146  6/20/2023   2   5   1   $0.00   A.Grisby met with other post members and non-post members and discuss changes that affect us living in foreign community.  
 POST 12146  6/20/2023   2   5   1   $0.00   S. Ziti met with other post members and non-post members and discuss changes that affect us living in foreign community.  
 POST 12146  6/20/2023   1   0   1   $0.00   SO Duties  
 POST 12146  6/20/2023   2   5   1   $0.00   Gary Stocks met with other post members and non-post members and discuss changes that affect us living in foreign community.  
 POST 12146  6/20/2023   2   5   1   $0.00   Gary Southerland met with other post members and non-post members and discuss changes that affect us living in foreign community.  
 POST 12146  6/21/2023   4   0   1   $0.00   SO Duties  
 POST 12146  6/21/2023   3   0   1   $0.00   SO Duties  
 POST 12146  6/22/2023   4   0   0   $0.00   SO Duties  
 POST 12146  6/23/2023   2   0   0   $0.00   SO Duties  
 POST 12146  6/25/2023   2   0   0   $0.00   SO Duties  
 POST 12146  6/26/2023   2   0   1   $0.00   SO Duties  
 POST 12146  6/27/2023   2   5   1   $0.00   G. Southerland met with other post members and non-post members and discuss changes that affect us living in foreign community.  
 POST 12146  6/27/2023   2   5   1   $0.00   S. Ziti met with other post members and non-post members and discuss changes that affect us living in foreign community.  
 POST 12146  6/27/2023   2   5   1   $0.00   G. stocks met with other post members and non-post members and discuss changes that affect us living in foreign community.  
 POST 12146  6/27/2023   2   5   1   $0.00   S. Winstanley met with other post members and non-post members and discuss changes that affect us living in foreign community.  
 POST 12146  6/27/2023   4   0   1   $0.00   SO Duties  
 POST 12146  6/27/2023   2   5   1   $0.00   A. Grisby met with other post members and non-post members and discuss changes that affect us living in foreign community.  
 POST 12146  6/27/2023   2   5   1   $0.00   J. Snowden met with other post members and non-post members and discuss changes that affect us living in foreign community.  
 POST 12146  6/27/2023   2   5   1   $0.00   P. Brooks met with other post members and non-post members and discuss changes that affect us living in foreign community.  
 POST 12146  6/27/2023   2   5   1   $0.00   T. Hebron met with other post members and non-post members and discuss changes that affect us living in foreign community.  
 POST 12146  6/27/2023   2   5   1   $0.00   V. Goncalves met with other post members and non-post members and discuss changes that affect us living in foreign community.  
 POST 12146  6/28/2023   4   20   1   $50.00   Bake and Ship Brownies to Post Home  
 POST 12146  6/29/2023   1   0   1   $0.00   SO Duties  
 POST 12146  6/29/2023   4   0   1   $0.00   SO Duties  
 POST 12146  7/1/2023   4   300   45   $900.00   VFW Post 121 46 held it July 4th event at Purimas Beach Hotel. 45 Post members attended the event paying approximately $15 each. Close to 100 attended total and we were able to recruit new members that swore in July 8.  
 POST 12146  7/1/2023   25   250   86   $510.00   Post held it's 4 July Picnic inviting 15NMCB#3 Seebee to honor our .MVS Program  
 POST 12146  7/4/2023   3   0   1   $0.00   VSO TRIP Training (Version 02  
 POST 12146  7/5/2023   3   0   1   $0.00   VSO TRIP Training (Version 02  
 POST 12146  7/6/2023   4   0   0   $0.00   VSO TRIP Training (Version 02  
 POST 12146  7/7/2023   2   0   0   $0.00   VSO TRIP Training (Version 02  
 POST 12146  7/8/2023   5   0   1   $0.00   So Duties  
 POST 12146  7/8/2023   2   0   1   $0.00   VSO TRIP Training (Version 02  
 POST 12146  7/9/2023   3   0   1   $0.00   VSO TRIP Training (Version 02  
 POST 12146  7/10/2023   3   0   1   $0.00   VSO TRIP Training (Version 02  
 POST 12146  7/11/2023   2   4   1   $0.00   M. Guman met with other vets and non-vets and discussed issues and new laws affecting us living in a foreign community.  
 POST 12146  7/11/2023   4   0   1   $0.00   VSO TRIP Training (Version 02  
 POST 12146  7/11/2023   2   4   1   $0.00   T. Hebron met with other vets and non-vets and discussed issues and new laws affecting us living in a foreign community.  
 POST 12146  7/11/2023   2   4   1   $0.00   G. Stocks met with other vets and non-vets and discussed issues and new laws affecting us living in a foreign community.  
 POST 12146  7/11/2023   2   2   1   $0.00   S. Kasual met with other vets and non-vets and discussed issues and new laws affecting us living in a foreign community.  
 POST 12146  7/11/2023   2   4   1   $0.00   J. Jenkins met with other vets and non-vets and discussed issues and new laws affecting us living in a foreign community.  
 POST 12146  7/11/2023   2   4   1   $0.00   G. Southerland met with other vets and non-vets and discussed issues and new laws affecting us living in a foreign community.  
 POST 12146  7/11/2023   2   4   1   $0.00   P. Brooks met with other vets and non-vets and discussed issues and new laws affecting us living in a foreign community.  
 POST 12146  7/12/2023   4   0   1   $0.00   VSO TRIP Training (Version 02  
 POST 12146  7/12/2023   2   0   1   $0.00   VSO TRIP Training (Version 02  
 POST 12146  7/13/2023   4   0   1   $0.00   VSO TRIP Training (Version 02  
 POST 12146  7/14/2023   4   0   1   $0.00   VSO TRIP Training (Version 02  
 POST 12146  7/15/2023   4   0   1   $0.00   VSO TRIP Training (Version 02 COUSE FINISHED Final Test  
 POST 12146  7/18/2023   2   2   1   $0.00   G. Southerland met with other vets and non-vets and discussed issues and new laws affecting us living in a foreign community.  
 POST 12146  7/18/2023   2   2   1   $0.00   J. Jenkins met with other vets and non-vets and discussed issues and new laws affecting us living in a foreign community.  
 POST 12146  7/18/2023   2   2   1   $0.00   Matt Gutman met with other vets and non-vets and discussed issues and new laws affecting us living in a foreign community.  
 POST 12146  7/18/2023   2   2   1   $0.00   G. Stocks met with other vets and non-vets and discussed issues and new laws affecting us living in a foreign community.  
 POST 12146  7/18/2023   2   2   1   $0.00   P. Brooks met with other vets and non-vets and discussed issues and new laws affecting us living in a foreign community.  
 POST 12146  7/21/2023   4   0   1   $0.00   SO Duties  
 POST 12146  7/21/2023   1   8   1   $42.00   Delivered 2 Packages of Milk Supplement to Post Home Neighbor Khun Uthai who is suffering from multiple strokes over several years.  
 POST 12146  7/24/2023   2   2   1   $0.00   J. Jenkins met with other vets and no- vets and discussed issues and changes affecting us living in a foreign community.  
 POST 12146  7/24/2023   2   2   1   $0.00   P. Brooks met with other vets and no- vets and discussed issues and changes affecting us living in a foreign community.  
 POST 12146  7/25/2023   2   4   1   $0.00   W. Ahlberg met with other vets and no- vets and discussed issues and changes affecting us living in a foreign community.  
 POST 12146  7/25/2023   2   4   1   $0.00   W. Ahlberg met with other vets and no- vets and discussed issues and changes affecting us living in a foreign community.  
 POST 12146  7/25/2023   2   4   1   $0.00   J. Snowden met with other vets and no- vets and discussed issues and changes affecting us living in a foreign community.  
 POST 12146  7/25/2023   2   2   1   $0.00   T.Hebron met with other vets and no- vets and discussed issues and changes affecting us living in a foreign community.  
 POST 12146  7/26/2023   4   120   1   $48.00   After two + years in a Senior care Facility in Thailand Charles went home to complete his recovery. He continue to have mobility and verbal issues but progress is being made  
 POST 12146  7/31/2023   6   0   1   $0.00   SO Duties  
 Post 12146 Total 407 2,970 259 $8,026.00
 District 4 Total 1,018 5,009 496 $18,291.40
 POST 0  7/14/2023   1   0   1   $0.00   Telephonic visit to a family member in Hospice.  
 Post 0 Total 1 0 1 $0.00
 POST 9876  5/1/2023   1   0   1   $588.00   Member Codman donated 20,000 baht to a Thai citizen.  
 POST 9876  5/1/2023   1   0   1   $100.00   Member donated to the National Home.  
 POST 9876  5/1/2023   1   0   1   $100.00   Member donated $100 to the veterans assistance Project Help in NJ.  
 POST 9876  5/1/2023   1   0   1   $147.00   Member Berry donated 5000 baht to a Thai citizen.  
 POST 9876  5/2/2023   7   56   1   $0.00   Member Defraites volunteered for the local food bank in Mammoth AZ. 
 POST 9876  5/5/2023   4   4   1   $588.00   Member Warner donated to a Thai citizen.  
 POST 9876  5/9/2023   7   56   1   $0.00   Member Defraites volunteered for the local food bank in Mammoth AZ. 
 POST 9876  5/15/2023   4   2   1   $0.00   Office hours at Post 9876. Assisted veteran Johns with application for spouse SSN. Reviewed previously submitted TRICARE claims for status. Sent emails to local hospital for veteran Dykes to determine reason for seeking payment as bills were undated. Worked with veterans widow Mueller and a stateside bank concerning returning overpayment of funds.  
 POST 9876  5/16/2023   7   25   1   $0.00   Volunteered with American Red Cross. Stopped at Adamo warehouse on way to Tampa Office to pick up fabric markers required for a pillowcase project at the Orlando office. Loaded up 888 expired bottles of water at Tampa office and delivered them to one of our charities. Made 2nd trip to Adamo and picked up 1280 bottles of water.  
 POST 9876  5/17/2023   2   2   1   $0.00   Went with veterans widow to bank to process paperwork for wire transfer. Returned to Post to review status of TRICARE claim and SBP status.  
 POST 9876  5/17/2023   2   2   1   $0.00   Went with veterans widow to bank to process paperwork for wire transfer. Returned to Post to review status of TRICARE claim and SBP status.  
 POST 9876  5/19/2023   2   2   1   $0.00   Office hours at Post 9876. Assisted widow with transferring funds to credit union in USA. Processed 2 TRICARE forms for veteran.  
 POST 9876  5/20/2023   1   0   1   $0.00   Scanned documents and uploaded to TRICARE overseas website for a veteran.  
 POST 9876  5/20/2023   2   2   1   $19.00   Member Warner paid for a Thai family's dinner.  
 POST 9876  5/22/2023   1   0   1   $0.00   Assisted veteran Dykes dealing with an issue of unpaid hospital bills from previous treatments. Uploaded 2 TRICARE claims for veteran Hoge.  
 POST 9876  5/23/2023   7   25   1   $0.00   Volunteered with American Red Cross. Coordinated movement of 1,152 bottles of water from St. Pete chapter to the Gracepoint homeless charity in Tampa. Worked with representative at Gracepoint Graham Home for Seniors to provide other excess assets from the Tampa Red Cross warehouse. Updated paperwork for 2 shelter trailers.  
 POST 9876  5/23/2023   7   56   1   $0.00   Member Defraites volunteered for the local food bank in Mammoth AZ. 
 POST 9876  5/23/2023   2   2   1   $44.00   Member Warner paid for a Thai family's dinner.  
 POST 9876  5/23/2023   2   1   7   $0.00   Seven members participated in the VFW Day of Service. We collected trash in a 4 block radius of the post, from 2nd rd to Soi 4, down Beach rd to Soi 5, and back to the post. 
 POST 9876  5/24/2023   1   0   1   $150.00   Member Fernandez donated to an animal shelter in Chonburi. 
 POST 9876  5/25/2023   5   3   1   $0.00   Assisted veteran with tax paperwork. Assisted veteran with organizing his TRICARE claims and requirements to file. Assisted a widow in applying for social security survivor benefits. Submitted email requesting info from local hospital for TRICARE claim for veteran.  
 POST 9876  5/26/2023   7   3   1   $0.00   Office hours at Post home. Assisted veteran with paperwork for FBU Manila. Assisted two widows to determine eligibility for social security benefits. Assisted veteran with updating log in pages for government websites to access benefit information. 
 POST 9876  5/26/2023   4   5   1   $2.00   Member Warner visited a fellow veteran in distress.  
 POST 9876  5/28/2023   2   0   1   $0.00   Member Codman assisted a veteran with GI Bill issues.  
 POST 9876  5/28/2023   5   0   1   $0.00   Member Warner assisting with claims from home, conducting emails, phone calls, and texts for widow, spouses, and veterans.  
 POST 9876  5/30/2023   7   56   1   $0.00   Member Defraites volunteered for the local food bank in Mammoth AZ. 
 POST 9876  5/30/2023   2   5   1   $600.00   Member paid for a Thai citizen to get a new set of dentures. 
 POST 9876  5/31/2023   20   0   1   $0.00   Service Officer Bihler working on claims in the month of May for spouse's, widows, and veterans.  
 POST 9876  5/31/2023   25   10   1   $25.00   Member Warner working on claims as the service officer at the post during the month of May. Assisting widows, spouses, and veterans with VA and Social Security.  
 POST 9876  6/1/2023   1   0   1   $588.00   Member Codman donated 20,000 baht to a Thai citizen. 
 POST 9876  6/1/2023   1   0   1   $100.00   Member donated to the veterans assistance Project Help in NJ. 
 POST 9876  6/1/2023   1   0   1   $200.00   Member Fernandez donated to the Chonburi animal shelter.  
 POST 9876  6/1/2023   1   0   1   $147.00   Member Berry donated 5000 baht to a Thai citizen. 
 POST 9876  6/1/2023   1   0   1   $100.00   Member donated $100 to the VFW Home in the name of Post 9876. 
 POST 9876  6/4/2023   2   0   1   $0.00   Member McGee volunteered at the Pensacola Florida homeless shelter.  
 POST 9876  6/4/2023   7   5   1   $3.00   Member Warner visited a veteran that was in the hospital.  
 POST 9876  6/5/2023   7   5   1   $3.00   Member Warner visited a veteran that was in the hospital.  
 POST 9876  6/6/2023   3   180   5   $0.00   5 members joined with the American Legion, Ban Chan VFW, and the French and British Veterans to commemorate the sacrifices of D-Day June 6 1944.  
 POST 9876  6/8/2023   6   0   1   $0.00   Member McGee volunteered at the Pensacola Florida homeless shelter.  
 POST 9876  6/10/2023   3   3   2   $5.00   Members attended a members spouse' mother's funeral.  
 POST 9876  6/11/2023   2   0   1   $0.00   Member McGee volunteered at the Pensacola Florida homeless shelter.  
 POST 9876  6/14/2023   2   0   1   $0.00   Member Codman assisted a veteran and his spouse with social security.  
 POST 9876  6/16/2023   5   0   1   $0.00   Member Codman assisted a veteran with GI Bill issues.  
 POST 9876  6/18/2023   5   0   1   $0.00   Member McGee volunteered at the Pensacola Florida homeless shelter.  
 POST 9876  6/18/2023   2   0   1   $0.00   Member McGee volunteered at the Pensacola Florida homeless shelter.  
 POST 9876  6/19/2023   2   0   1   $30.00   Member Berry paid for 3 Thais meal.  
 POST 9876  6/20/2023   2   0   1   $30.00   Member Berry paid for 3 Thais meal.  
 POST 9876  6/22/2023   2   30   1   $0.00   Member Richard Bihler volunteered for the Meals on Wheels.  
 POST 9876  6/23/2023   4   8   1   $588.00   Member Mike Warner donated $588 to several different Thai community members in the month of June.  
 POST 9876  6/25/2023   2   0   1   $0.00   Member McGee volunteered at the Pensacola Florida homeless shelter.  
 POST 9876  6/26/2023   2   3   1   $0.00   Office hours at Post home assisting veterans with paperwork.  
 POST 9876  6/27/2023   1   0   1   $250.00   Member Mike Taylor donated $250 to the NJ DAV.  
 POST 9876  6/28/2023   1   0   1   $250.00   Member Mike Taylor donated $250 to the Chapter 19 of the Special Forces Assn in NJ.  
 POST 9876  6/28/2023   1   5   1   $250.00   Member Codman and his wife donated $250 worth of clothes to The Father Ray's Orphanage.  
 POST 9876  6/28/2023   7   0   1   $0.00   Member Warner assisting members, veterans, spouses, and widows with various claims from his home. He made several phone calls, emails, and texts to complete claims.  
 POST 9876  6/29/2023   28   12   1   $0.00   Member Mike Warner assisting veterans, spouses, and widows with various claims at the post.  
 POST 9876  6/30/2023   24   0   1   $0.00   Service Officer Bihler working on claims for veterans, spouses, and widows during the month of June.  
 POST 9876  6/30/2023   3   3   1   $0.00   Office hours at Post home. Assisted widow with TRICARE claim and SBP claim. Assisted widow with social security paperwork.  
 POST 9876  7/1/2023   4   25   1   $142.00   Member Berry donated 5000 baht worth of food to Thai neighbors.  
 POST 9876  7/1/2023   1   0   1   $100.00   Member donated $100 to the VFW National Home.  
 POST 9876  7/1/2023   1   0   1   $100.00   Member donated $100 to the Sussex NJ Project Help.  
 POST 9876  7/1/2023   1   0   1   $571.00   Member Codman donated 20,000 baht to various Thai community members throughout the month of July.  
 POST 9876  7/3/2023   1   0   1   $142.00   Member Berry paid for a Thai students rent.  
 POST 9876  7/4/2023   6   6   1   $30.00   Member Warner donated to the Chantaburi House of Grace Home for Children with HIV.  
 POST 9876  7/4/2023   4   75   26   $950.00   Post voted to support a local restaurant for our Independence Day celebration. We had 27 members and 31 spouses, widows, and guests attend. We held a raffle and donated the winnings to some of the staff.  
 POST 9876  7/6/2023   4   50   3   $75.00   3 members donated food and clothes to the Baan Kru Boonchoo Foundation for disabled children and children with special needs.  
 POST 9876  7/7/2023   5   3   1   $0.00   Office hours at Post 9876. Assisted veteran with establishing TRICARE overseas account. Contacted JUSMAG to update veterans address in DEERS.  
 POST 9876  7/9/2023   4   0   1   $0.00   Filed 4 TRICARE claims for veteran Dykes. Prepared a TRICARE grievance form for a veterans widow. Checked on TRICARE registration status for veteran Paulsen and Helme.  
 POST 9876  7/11/2023   7   0   1   $0.00   Office hours at Post home. Assisted veteran Helme with TRICARE website and obtained 3 claims for submission. Faxed a document to US for benefits. Provided veteran Paulsen with info on direct deposit for TRICARE claims. Worked on issue with social security check and DFAS SBP check not being received by a widow. Investigated another widow who is not receiving checks.  
 POST 9876  7/13/2023   5   3   1   $0.00   Office hours at Post home. Assisted widow Kirby to find out what is status of her SBP and social security checks as they stopped in FEB. Assisted veteran Helme and his spouse with paperwork for TRICARE.  
 POST 9876  7/14/2023   2   0   1   $0.00   Prepared correspondence to FBU Manila and sent email to find out why a widow stopped receiving social security check. Made multiple phone calls to DFAS to determine out why a widow had her SBP payments stopped.  
 POST 9876  7/15/2023   6   217   1   $30.00   Member Fernandez drove and donated to the Chantaburi House of Grace Home for Children with HIV.  
 POST 9876  7/15/2023   6   217   4   $1,176.00   Four members and twenty of our women's auxiliary went to the Chantaburi House of Grace Home for Children with HIV and donated 40,000 baht to their foundation.  
 POST 9876  7/15/2023   1   2   1   $0.00   Member Warner visited a veteran at the hospital.  
 POST 9876  7/17/2023   3   3   1   $0.00   Office hours at Post home. Prepared paperwork for widow Corwin updating info with a private pension plan. Reviewed pending TRICARE issues for veterans and widows.  
 POST 9876  7/18/2023   2   2   1   $0.00   Member Warner visited a Veteran at the hospital.  
 POST 9876  7/18/2023   2   30   1   $0.00   Member Richard Bihler volunteered for the Meals on Wheels.  
 POST 9876  7/18/2023   2   0   1   $0.00   Prepared 3 TRICARE claims veteran Helme's spouse. Reviewed TRICARE status of direct deposit request. Printed out forms for widow Corwin to submit to private pension plan so her payments won't stop.  
 POST 9876  7/21/2023   3   6   3   $441.00   Member Warner donated to his Thai community 3 times during July.  
 POST 9876  7/21/2023   6   3   1   $0.00   Office hours at Post home. Assisted widow Corwin with 2020 & 2022 tax returns, processed paperwork to mail back to AK for receipt of pension. Assisted the POA for veteran Helme with TRICARE claims for him and his wife. Processed 2 TRICARE claims for veteran Dykes.  
 POST 9876  7/26/2023   7   56   1   $0.00   Member Defraites volunteered at the Mammoth AZ food bank.  
 POST 9876  7/26/2023   2   0   1   $0.00   Processed, scanned, and submitted 4 TRICARE claims for veteran Helme's spouse.  
 POST 9876  7/27/2023   6   12   6   $28.00   Member Warner made 6 donations to various Thai community members during July.  
 POST 9876  7/27/2023   60   541   1   $0.00   Member Berry volunteered to teach English to 20 caddies at a local golf course. He taught 6 hours a day for 10 days.  
 POST 9876  7/28/2023   5   3   1   $0.00   Office hours at Post home to assist any walk-in veteran or widow with TRICARE or other paperwork needs. Assisted veteran Roberts with paperwork for hospital claim. Corresponded with SSA in Manila concerning a widow's application for an SSN.  
 POST 9876  7/29/2023   5   4   11   $6.00   Member Warner conducted emails, texts, and calls, working on claims for veterans, spouses, and widows from home during July.  
 POST 9876  7/29/2023   1   0   1   $0.00   Prepared 2 TRICARE claims for veteran Helme and his wife. Reviewed TRICARE website to see if a veteran's information has updated.  
 POST 9876  7/29/2023   1   0   1   $150.00   Member Fernandez donated to the Chonburi animal shelter.  
 POST 9876  7/30/2023   3   4   1   $0.00   Home visit with veteran Johns to assist him with benefits claim online submission of information.  
 POST 9876  7/30/2023   18   12   6   $0.00   Member Warner at the post assisting veterans, spouses, and widows with claims during July.  
 POST 9876  7/30/2023   29   0   7   $0.00   Member McGee volunteered to drive homeless veterans in Florida from the shelter to church and a beach baptism seven times during the month of July.  
 POST 9876  7/31/2023   28   0   11   $0.00   Service Officer Wayne Bihler working on claims for veterans, spouses, and widows in July.  
 POST 9876  7/31/2023   2   2   1   $0.00   Office hours at Post home. Follow up email correspondence concerning change of address for TRICARE. Prepared forms for mailing for a widow for pension payments and tax forms.  
 Post 9876 Total 510 1,847 172 $8,848.00
 POST 9951  5/5/2023   3   22   1   $0.00   Volunteered to provide information and referrals to military hospitalized Veteran his spouse  
 POST 9951  5/5/2023   0   0   0   $50.00   Donation to National Home $50  
 POST 9951  5/9/2023   8   12   2   $0.00   Volunteered at JUSMAG RAO to provide information and referrals to military retirees their dependents and surviving spouses..  
 POST 9951  5/13/2023   1   0   7   $245.00   Donations collected for upcoming visit to Post Charity  
 POST 9951  5/20/2023   2   0   1   $0.00   provide information and referrals to spouse  
 POST 9951  5/27/2023   6   25   1   $0.00   Visited a veteran in distress (hospitalized)  
 POST 9951  6/27/2023   8   12   2   $0.00   Volunteered at JUSMAG RAO to provide information and referrals to military retirees their dependents and surviving spouses.  
 POST 9951  6/28/2023   8   12   2   $0.00   Volunteered at JUSMAG RAO to provide information and referrals to military retirees their dependents and surviving spouses.  
 POST 9951  6/29/2023   8   12   2   $0.00   Volunteered at JUSMAG RAO to provide information and referrals to military retirees their dependents and surviving spouses.  
 POST 9951  7/1/2023   4   8   12   $0.00   Participated in July 4th events with community support for VFW activities.  
 POST 9951  7/8/2023   1   12   1   $52.00   Received donations for Buddy Poppies  
 POST 9951  7/8/2023   5   10   2   $0.00   Current service officer and new service officer helped widow of veteran  
 POST 9951  7/11/2023   10   86   1   $4,847.45   1. Division of Older Persons Welfare 5,000 B. 2. Home for handicapped animals foundation 10,000 B 3. Chulabhorn hospital 50,000 B. 4. The kidney foundation of Thailand 50,000 B 5. Priest Hospital 5,000 B. 6. Thailand Association of the Blind 5,000 B. 7. Friends help friends foundation 50,000 B. Total distance was 139 km (86.37 miles)  
 POST 9951  7/25/2023   8   20   2   $0.00   Volunteered at JUSMAG RAO to provide information and referrals to military retirees their dependents and surviving spouses.  
 POST 9951  7/26/2023   8   20   2   $0.00   Volunteered at JUSMAG RAO to provide information and referrals to military retirees their dependents and surviving spouses.  
 POST 9951  7/27/2023   8   20   2   $0.00   Volunteered at JUSMAG RAO to provide information and referrals to military retirees their dependents and surviving spouses.  
 Post 9951 Total 88 271 40 $5,194.45
 POST 10217  5/1/2023   5   0   1   $44.00   Cardeiro - Community Watch 
 POST 10217  5/2/2023   5   0   1   $15.00   Cardeiro - Attend funeral and donation 
 POST 10217  5/3/2023   5   25   1   $29.41   Cygal - attended funeral of vetrean Matt Wounarowski and donation. 
 POST 10217  5/5/2023   2   20   1   $350.00   Cardeiro - Food purchase for temple to distribute 
 POST 10217  5/8/2023   0   0   8   $147.05   Post donation to K9 Shelter (5000 baht)  
 POST 10217  5/8/2023   0   0   0   $32.35   Buddy Poppy sales.  
 POST 10217  5/20/2023   0   0   1   $40.00   Petrides - Donation to ASPCA.  
 POST 10217  5/20/2023   5   0   1   $15.00   Cardeiro - Attend funeral and donation 
 POST 10217  5/21/2023   17   45   1   $0.00   Maher - Driving a elderly couple (he is a veteran) that are no longer able to drive (9 trips) 
 POST 10217  5/27/2023   4   4   1   $180.00   Sostack - Attend Buddha Day Services and donations. 
 POST 10217  5/27/2023   8   8   1   $120.00   Berg- Attend Buddha Day services plus donations (4 days) 
 POST 10217  5/28/2023   78   156   1   $26.00   Templeman - Assisting widows of veterans with administrative support 
 POST 10217  5/29/2023   7   56   1   $0.00   Cygal - assisted widow in applying for benefits. 
 POST 10217  5/29/2023   4   0   1   $52.00   Cardeiro - Daily offerings for Monks. 
 POST 10217  5/30/2023   4   130   4   $0.00   Post Memorial Day ceremony. 
 POST 10217  5/31/2023   62   0   1   $0.00   Sostack - Buddy Checks. 2hr/day 
 POST 10217  5/31/2023   18   0   1   $0.00   Petrides - Maintenance of public YouTube music channel. Monthly stats: 15,100 views, 423 hours watched and 39 new subscribers for 1668 total subscribers. 
 POST 10217  6/1/2023   5   0   1   $46.00   Cardiero - Community watch veteran outreach to member in ICU 
 POST 10217  6/4/2023   5   0   1   $29.00   Cardiero - Attend funeral and donation to family  
 POST 10217  6/11/2023   74   350   1   $500.00   Davis - Docent on the USS Alabama BB-60 in Mobile, AL and donation to restoration fund.  
 POST 10217  6/13/2023   5   12   2   $60.00   Cardiero - Provide Rice to needy neighbors  
 POST 10217  6/14/2023   2   0   1   $29.00   Cardiero - Funeral donation  
 POST 10217  6/19/2023   0   0   8   $41.18   Monthly Post Poppy Drive  
 POST 10217  6/20/2023   0   0   1   $40.00   Petrides - Donation to ASPCA  
 POST 10217  6/23/2023   1   0   1   $185.00   Cardiero - Donation to temple to assist with electricity bill.  
 POST 10217  6/24/2023   2   17   1   $0.00   Pierson - Visit sick veteran in hospital  
 POST 10217  6/25/2023   4   4   1   $235.00   Sostack - Attend Buddha Day ceremonies and donations to temple.  
 POST 10217  6/26/2023   4   0   1   $23.00   Cardiero - daily offerings to Monks.  
 POST 10217  6/26/2023   1   17   1   $0.00   Pierson - Visited sick veteran in the hospital.  
 POST 10217  6/26/2023   20   0   1   $0.00   Petrides - Maintenance on public Youtube music channel. Monthly stats, 1698 subscribers with 30 new subscribers, 15,100 views and 425 hours watched,  
 POST 10217  6/26/2023   7   45   3   $0.00   Borchers - Visiting veterans in hospitals.  
 POST 10217  6/29/2023   8   180   4   $176.47   Honor Guard for VFW member John Hartle's funeral plus donation to widow (6000 baht)  
 POST 10217  6/30/2023   60   0   1   $0.00   Sostack - Buddy Check calls to fellow veterans... Checking their physical health and mental well-being.  
 POST 10217  6/30/2023   280   270   1   $300.00   Davis - Adult Member of the USAF Civil Air Patrol unit gave instruction on aerospace education, first aid and emergency response. Participate in Annual Encampment for Cadets held at the Marion Military Institute in Marion, AL. consisting of 7 days 24/7 "On Duty" Cadre.  
 POST 10217  7/1/2023   0   0   1   $0.00   Davis - $100 donation to the Far East Council – Boy Scouts of America  
 POST 10217  7/1/2023   0   0   1   $29.00   Cardiero - Funeral donation.  
 POST 10217  7/1/2023   5   0   1   $43.00   Cardeiro - Community watch. Donate (with 2 neighbors to provide 2 patrols daily at random hours and sign log book. Donation amount is my share only.  
 POST 10217  7/6/2023   5   1   1   $29.00   Cardiero- Attend funeral and donation to family  
 POST 10217  7/10/2023   0   0   8   $147.00   Post donation to K9 Shelter (5000 baht)  
 POST 10217  7/12/2023   6   112   1   $235.29   Pierson - Donate two wheelchairs to Tambon Pho Thong Office for gift to needy residents. (8000 baht)  
 POST 10217  7/13/2023   5   1   1   $29.00   Cardiero - Attend funeral of neighbor and donation to family.  
 POST 10217  7/15/2023   5   0   1   $29.00   Cardiero - attend funeral and donation to family.  
 POST 10217  7/18/2023   4   48   1   $0.00   Borchers - Visited Post member Sostack in hospital.  
 POST 10217  7/18/2023   2   2   1   $30.00   Berg - Funeral donation to family  
 POST 10217  7/18/2023   1   11   1   $0.00   Pierson - Visit hospitalized Chaplain Sostack at Maharat Hospital.  
 POST 10217  7/19/2023   2   30   1   $0.00   Borchers - Visited VFW Post member Berg at home who is recovering from Covid.  
 POST 10217  7/20/2023   0   0   1   $40.00   Petrides - Donation to ASPCA  
 POST 10217  7/21/2023   2   19   1   $0.00   Pierson - Visit recuperating past Cdr Fred Berg at his home.  
 POST 10217  7/22/2023   2   1   1   $147.00   Campbell - Donation for feed needy community members. (5000 baht)  
 POST 10217  7/23/2023   2   2   1   $75.00   Sostack - Attend Buddha Day service and donation  
 POST 10217  7/23/2023   10   10   1   $150.00   Berg -5 donations to help the needy people in the community.  
 POST 10217  7/25/2023   2   24   1   $0.00   Borchers - Visited with Trustee Fred Gilbert at Bangkok Hospital who is recovering from Gall Bladder surgery..  
 POST 10217  7/27/2023   1   0   1   $0.00   Petrides - Buddy check calls to recuperating veterans, Sostack & Gilbert.  
 POST 10217  7/28/2023   2   5   1   $88.00   Cardiero - donation to local government medical clinic.  
 POST 10217  7/28/2023   56   0   1   $0.00   Petrides - Maintenance of two YouTube music channels. Month stats, 33,600 Views, 896 hours watched, 129 new subscribers for 1971 total subscribers  
 POST 10217  7/30/2023   4   1   45   $350.00   Cardiero - donation of food for needy people in community for Buddhist Lent.  
 POST 10217  7/31/2023   62   0   1   $0.00   Sostack - Buddy Check Calls to Fellow Veterans.. Checking on them and their health and well being  
 Post 10217 Total 880 1,606 130 $4,136.75
 POST 12074  5/2/2023   1   10   1   $27.00   Visited Local Orphanage and provided treats for the children.  
 POST 12074  5/5/2023   2   0   1   $0.00   Met with post member to discuss his personal problems and provide encouragement.  
 POST 12074  5/6/2023   2   29   2   $0.00   Visited Hill Tribe Home to assess needs of the children and facility..  
 POST 12074  5/6/2023   2   30   2   $0.00   Visited orphanage to meet with director and discuss VFW outreach  
 POST 12074  5/9/2023   1   12   1   $0.00   Widow Assistance - Janet Duden  
 POST 12074  5/9/2023   3   28   5   $0.00   Conducted combination Recruitment and Veterans Assistance information discussion.  
 POST 12074  5/11/2023   0   0   1   $0.00   Spoke with veteran regarding mental health issues and encouraged him to seek assistance at the VA for PTSD counselling. Will provide "Buddy Statement" to veteran as we served together in the Middle East.  
 POST 12074  5/12/2023   9   30   3   $0.00   Held a Buddy Poppy Drive at the Gate Theater. Gave out Buddy Poppies and collected donations for the Post's Relief Fund.  
 POST 12074  5/12/2023   9   30   3   $0.00   Held a membership drive with a table set up in the foyer of the Gate Theater. Met two prospective members. Gave out application forms.  
 POST 12074  5/13/2023   6   30   2   $0.00   Set up a Recruiting Table in the Lobby of The Gate Theater during a Play.  
 POST 12074  5/13/2023   4   1   2   $15.00   Recruiting Drive at local Expat Men's Club Monthly Meeting  
 POST 12074  5/13/2023   6   30   2   $0.00   Buddy Poppy Drive at The Gate Theater Event  
 POST 12074  5/16/2023   2   20   6   $0.00   Held Buddy Poppy Drive at Hideaway Restaurant in Chiang Mai.  
 POST 12074  5/19/2023   4   29   1   $0.00   Assisted older veteran with computer issues at his home  
 POST 12074  5/26/2023   4   29   6   $0.00   Held a memorial walk/run at park in Chiang Mai. Members and guests walked 41 minutes and 2 seconds -- one second for each American service member KIA in OEF. 
 POST 12074  5/29/2023   6   29   6   $20.00   Held VFW Memorial Day Remembrance Ceremony at Foreigners Cemetery. Consulate General Lisa Buzenas attended and gave remarks. 
 POST 12074  6/7/2023   1   0   5   $0.00   Attempted telephone contract with several members who have been absent from the post. No response from letters and emails sent to follow-up on post communications survey. Further follow-up action will be taken to contact comrades. 
 POST 12074  6/7/2023   1   0   1   $0.00   I telephoned a member with Covid to offer assistance.  
 POST 12074  6/21/2023   1   0   0   $0.00   Telephoned Post member undergoing cancer treatment. Talked about VA claims, FMP, and Tricare.  
 POST 12074  6/26/2023   3   35   2   $0.00   2 post members visited fellow member in hospital to boost morale  
 POST 12074  6/29/2023   4   25   2   $0.00   Two Post members went to hospital to visit with Post member in hospital ICU. Provided morale to veteran and provided advice to spouse.  
 POST 12074  6/30/2023   5   35   1   $0.00   Visited veteran in hospital ICU. Provided assistance to spouse.  
 POST 12074  7/1/2023   4   0   1   $0.00   Visited a terminally ill comrade in ICU at hospital. Later followed comrade's ambulance as they transported him to his home. Stay with comrade to provide emotional support to both he and his family.  
 POST 12074  7/1/2023   7   35   2   $0.00   Two members visited veteran in hospital. Provided comfort to veteran and his spouse.  
 POST 12074  7/1/2023   4   0   10   $0.00   Attended a Independance Day celebration that was hosted by a group in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Participated in parade.  
 POST 12074  7/2/2023   1   0   1   $0.00   contacted terminally ill comrades' wife to check on his status and provide encouragement..  
 POST 12074  7/4/2023   3   35   1   $0.00   Visited member in hospital  
 POST 12074  7/5/2023   1   0   1   $0.00   Attempted to contact a veteran via telephone to conduct a welfare check. There was no answer/response via phone, text of email. Will continue to attempt contact. No known address for veteran who is reported to be terminally ill and living in Thailand.  
 POST 12074  7/5/2023   1   0   1   $0.00   Completed a welfare check (via telephone) on a veteran who is ill, and bed ridden. Coordinating for post member to visit veteran in his home.  
 POST 12074  7/6/2023   1   0   2   $0.00   Conference call between one member with Covid and two Post Officers. Inquired about his condition and offered assistance.  
 POST 12074  7/9/2023   3   0   1   $0.00   Coordinated visit of bedridden Vietnam vet living in Thailand. Telephoned veteran and spoke with both him and his wife. Solicited comrades to visit and conduct a welfare "Buddy Check".  
 POST 12074  7/10/2023   1   0   1   $0.00   spoke with Nicky daughter of deceased VFW member and veterans about benefits for mother  
 POST 12074  7/11/2023   2   0   2   $0.00   Two post members visited a 77-year-old Vietnam veteran who is terminally ill and bedridden. They provided company and encouragement to he and his wife.  
 POST 12074  7/14/2023   4   20   1   $0.00   Assisted VFW Life Member 870397 with an investigation into assistant Living possibilities. E-mailed and spoke with a friend of the veteran who lives in the U.S. Visited McKean Senior Center to ask about the possibility of the veteran being admitted to the facility.  
 POST 12074  7/16/2023   2   0   2   $0.00   VFW comrade Strum is wheelchair bound in Isan and needed further assistance to get life insurance for his family  
 POST 12074  7/19/2023   1   0   1   $0.00   Called grandaughter of deceased VFW comrade Russel for assistance with benefits  
 POST 12074  7/20/2023   1   0   1   $0.00   July 20 2023 email report to spouse of deceased VFW member Russel  
 POST 12074  7/21/2023   1   0   2   $0.00   Called VA conference call with spouse and grandaughter of deceased VFW comrade Russel  
 POST 12074  7/24/2023   1   0   1   $0.00   filled out forms with grandaughter of deceased VFW comrade Russel for benefits for spouse  
 POST 12074  7/24/2023   2   0   1   $0.00   Contacted VA got through to representative that assisted Grandaughter of deceased VFW comrade Russel regarding benefits for spouse  
 POST 12074  7/24/2023   1   0   1   $0.00   Called CVSO in Louisiana on behalf of deceased VFW member Russels spouse for benefits  
 POST 12074  7/25/2023   5   35   2   $0.00   2 members visited sick homebound veteran to boost morale  
 POST 12074  7/26/2023   3   0   1   $0.00   I met with Widow Duden to discuss Post's Jacket and Blanket Project, her U.S. trip delivering casket flag, and Veteran Bill Duden's cremains to family members.  
 POST 12074  7/27/2023   3   60   4   $0.00   We conducted a membership drive at Bangkok Hospital's (Chiang Mai Branch) Annual Expat Outreach Event.  
 POST 12074  7/27/2023   3   60   4   $0.00   We conducted a Buddy Poppy Drive at Bangkok Hospital's (Chiang Mai Branch) Annual Expat Outreach Event.  
 Post 12074 Total 129 677 99 $62.00
 POST 12146  5/19/2023   4   0   0   $0.00   Puting together facts on C&P by QTC and FMP. So Duties Phone Calls, E mails, Forms  
 Post 12146 Total 4 0 0 $0.00
 POST 12163  5/2/2023   1   20   1   $0.00   volunteer firefighter 
 POST 12163  5/5/2023   5   10   1   $0.00   Torch bearer for Legacy 100th celebration.  
 POST 12163  5/6/2023   6   10   1   $0.00   Torch bearer for Legacy 100th celebration.  
 POST 12163  5/14/2023   0   0   1   $0.00   vounteer firefighter 
 POST 12163  5/17/2023   5   20   1   $0.00   volunteer firefighter 
 POST 12163  5/21/2023   4   20   1   $0.00   volunteer firefighter 
 POST 12163  5/30/2023   2   20   1   $0.00   volunteer firefighter 
 POST 12163  6/4/2023   3   0   1   $0.00   John Idland Volunteer fire fighter  
 POST 12163  6/6/2023   3   0   1   $0.00   John Idland Volunteer Firefighter  
 POST 12163  6/7/2023   2   0   1   $0.00   John Idland Volunteer Firefighter  
 POST 12163  6/10/2023   8   0   1   $0.00   John Idland Volunteer Firefighter  
 POST 12163  6/11/2023   5   0   1   $0.00   John Idland Volunteer Firefighter  
 POST 12163  6/18/2023   4   0   1   $0.00   John Idland Volunteer Firefighter  
 POST 12163  6/21/2023   1   0   1   $0.00   John Idland Volunteer Firefighter  
 POST 12163  6/28/2023   24   0   1   $0.00   John Idland June Volunteer Fire Fighter  
 POST 12163  7/2/2023   1   0   1   $0.00   Volunteer Firefighter  
 POST 12163  7/4/2023   1   0   1   $0.00   Volunteer Firefighter  
 POST 12163  7/4/2023   3   30   1   $0.00   Steven Sartain Ashdale STEM Careers Day Volunteer 
 POST 12163  7/17/2023   2   30   0   $0.00   Steven Sartain Ashdale Staff Development Day Volunteer 
 POST 12163  7/20/2023   0   0   1   $0.00   Volunteer Firefighter  
 POST 12163  7/23/2023   11   0   1   $0.00   Volunteer Firefighter  
 POST 12163  7/27/2023   2   0   1   $0.00   Volunteer Firefighter  
 POST 12163  7/29/2023   1   0   1   $0.00   Volunteer Firefighter  
 POST 12163  7/30/2023   11   0   1   $0.00   Volunteer Firefighter  
 POST 12163  7/31/2023   68   15   1   $0.00   Steven Sartain Volunteer 5 Day Deployment - DFES Incident Management Team 
 Post 12163 Total 173 175 24 $0.00
 District 5 Total 1,785 4,576 466 $18,241.20
 POST 1509  5/12/2023   12   20   2   $0.00   Assisted injured veteran to attend medical appointments and other needs  
 POST 1509  5/20/2023   12   50   6   $0.00   Clean up of Veterans Cemetery  
 POST 1509  5/24/2023   140   0   2   $0.00   Housing displaced Veterans during Typhoon Mawar  
 POST 1509  5/26/2023   200   0   6   $0.00   Opened post home for community to use generator power for charging of electronic devices.  
 POST 1509  5/29/2023   4   20   6   $0.00   Flag retirement  
 POST 1509  6/1/2023   12   20   2   $0.00   Assisted injured veteran in attending medical appointments and preparing meals  
 POST 1509  6/1/2023   8   5   2   $300.00   Provided a homeless VFW member housing  
 POST 1509  6/5/2023   12   80   6   $0.00   Funeral Escort  
 POST 1509  7/1/2023   8   10   2   $300.00   Provided a homeless VFW member housing  
 POST 1509  7/4/2023   8   20   10   $350.00   4th of July BBQ at the post opened to the public  
 POST 1509  7/14/2023   2   20   2   $0.00   Attended Guam Veterans Commission quarterly meeting  
 POST 1509  7/15/2023   5   20   1   $45.00   Assisted Veteran returning from Tripler VIA MEDIVAC  
 Post 1509 Total 423 265 47 $995.00
 POST 2917  5/1/2023   408   1,768   136   $1,632.00   Members donated to local recycling programs  
 POST 2917  5/3/2023   8   30   1   $20.00   Assisted Member to emergency room  
 POST 2917  5/3/2023   2   30   3   $0.00   Hosted Vet Talk Radio Show  
 POST 2917  5/6/2023   2   0   1   $0.00   Church greeter/usher  
 POST 2917  5/6/2023   9   70   4   $325.00   VFW Post 2917 partnered with the Naval Base Guam MWR Liberty program, and Guam High School JROTC to cleanup the Guam Veterans Cemetery. In all, there were 36 participants that pressure washed, painted, and taped off name plates in preparation for painting.  
 POST 2917  5/6/2023   6   0   1   $45.00   NCTS Car Wash  
 POST 2917  5/7/2023   4   0   1   $0.00   Church Security Team  
 POST 2917  5/10/2023   2   30   3   $0.00   Hosted Vet Talk Radio Show  
 POST 2917  5/21/2023   4   0   1   $0.00   Church Security team 
 POST 2917  5/28/2023   2   0   1   $0.00   Church security team 
 POST 2917  5/29/2023   9   72   3   $350.00   Held Buddy Poppy drive at Memorial day ceremony  
 POST 2917  5/29/2023   9   72   3   $350.00   Held Buddy Poppy drive at Memorial day ceremony  
 POST 2917  5/29/2023   135   945   45   $650.00   Members attend Memorial day ceremony  
 POST 2917  5/29/2023   3   30   1   $0.00   City of Palm coast, Fl, Memorial Day service 
 POST 2917  5/31/2023   485   1,358   97   $873.00   Members donated Box Tops for Education to local schools  
 POST 2917  6/6/2023   4   22   1   $36.00   Donated to local recycling program  
 POST 2917  6/11/2023   4   0   1   $0.00   Church Security team  
 POST 2917  6/20/2023   4   22   1   $46.00   Donated to local recycling program  
 POST 2917  7/1/2023   816   1,224   136   $1,496.00   Members donated to local recycling programs  
 POST 2917  7/2/2023   4   0   1   $0.00   Church Security  
 POST 2917  7/3/2023   0   0   1   $10.00   Donation to National Home  
 POST 2917  7/3/2023   0   0   1   $10.00   Donation to VVA  
 POST 2917  7/4/2023   182   390   29   $12,000.00   Held 4th annual 4th of July BBQ/Potluck. Fed over 400 people and Veterans  
 POST 2917  7/9/2023   4   0   1   $0.00   Church Security  
 POST 2917  7/11/2023   9   23   1   $75.00   Donated to local recycling program  
 POST 2917  7/16/2023   4   8   1   $0.00   Church Security  
 POST 2917  7/23/2023   4   8   1   $0.00   Church Security  
 POST 2917  7/25/2023   5   22   1   $35.00   Donated to local recycling program  
 POST 2917  7/31/2023   5   8   1   $0.00   Church Security  
 POST 2917  7/31/2023   792   4,258   99   $2,277.00   Members donated to Box Tops for Education  
 Post 2917 Total 2,925 10,390 577 $20,230.00
 POST 3457  5/17/2023   3   0   1   $0.00   Working on Crime Stoppers 2nd quarter report and submit to Criminal Justice Program Agency CJPA, justifying funds expense  
 Post 3457 Total 3 0 1 $0.00
 District 6 Total 3,351 10,655 625 $21,225.00
 POST 124  5/12/2023   1   6   1   $36.50   Donated to indigent family in Bohol, PH for needed medicine of child.  
 POST 124  5/15/2023   1   5   1   $273.00   Post Surgeon Carlos Ibanez continues to support financially 3 single parents and their families, each with Php 5,000. 
 POST 124  5/15/2023   1   1   1   $455.00   Comrade Pete Gabriel financially supports 3 families in their local neighborhood at San Fabian, Pangasinan. 
 POST 124  5/26/2023   1   2   1   $36.40   Comrade Pete Gabriel financially supported a colon cancer patient confined at the Baguio General Hospital 
 POST 124  5/26/2023   45   60   15   $100.00   Post Members and spouses led by VFW DPA Commander Alex Fores and PC Glen Lacaman cleaned up and painted the gravesites of WWII military and civilians casualties at Camp John Hay Cemetery 2, Loakan Road, Baguio City. 
 POST 124  5/26/2023   30   60   15   $181.82   Post 124 supported the Breakfast For Learning Program at Dontogan Elementary School by providing P10,000 worth of food and groceries, for the feeding of around 200 indigent schoolchildren. 
 POST 124  5/29/2023   28   60   14   $20.00   Post members led by Commander Glenn Lacaman commemorated Memorial Day thru a wreath laying and prayer program at the Camp John Hay Cemetery 2, Loakan Road, Baguio City. 
 POST 124  5/31/2023   24   40   44   $118.91   RAO Director/Post Adjutant Jun Poyaoan assisted by PPC Larry Senato and Post Service officer Jun Cabrerra assisted in veterans/ dependents claims and benefit, distributed mails & medicines from the Manila VA Clinic. 
 POST 124  6/15/2023   2   4   1   $180.33   Post Surgeon Carlos Ibanez continues to financially support 2 single parents and their families with a monthly stipend of P5,000 each.  
 POST 124  6/20/2023   4   2   1   $811.47   Comrade Pete Gabriel provided jobs and financial help to 4 workers and their families with a monthly amount of P45,000.  
 POST 124  6/26/2023   28   60   14   $20.00   Post members led by Commander Glenn Lacaman commemorated Memorial Day thru a wreath laying and prayer program at the Camp John Hay Cemetery 2, Loakan Road, Baguio City. 
 POST 124  6/26/2023   60   160   20   $183.59   VFW Post 124 PPC and FRA Branch 154 PPC Thomas Morado was solemnly honored with a military burial ceremony led by VFW DPA Commander Alex Fores, PC Glenn Lacaman, together with officers and members of the post and FRA 154 members.  
 POST 124  6/28/2023   24   40   46   $100.48   RAO Director and Post Adjutant Jun Poyaoan assisted by Service Officer Chris Cabrerra assisted claims and benefits of 46 veterans and dependents. A total of 96 mails and medicines from VA were distributed.  
 POST 124  7/5/2023   120   160   40   $183.59   A military burial ceremony was held in honor of VFW Post 124 PPC and FRA Branch 154 PPC Virgilio Gadiano. The solemn tribute was led by VFW DPA Commander Alex Fores, PC Glenn Lacaman, together with officers and members of the post and FRA 154 members.  
 POST 124  7/8/2023   60   500   10   $60.00   A Medical mission program was held in La Union with VFW 124 post members led by PC Glenn Lacaman in partnership with Diego Silang Mason Lodge 417.  
 POST 124  7/26/2023   24   235   2   $71.85   RAO Services led by Post Adjutant Jun Poyaoan assisted by Service Officer Chris Cabrerra, served 47 veteran members and dependents for their mails, medicines, and benefit claims.  
 POST 124  7/31/2023   2   2   1   $811.47   Comrade Pete Gabriel provided jobs and financial help to 4 workers and their families with a monthly amount of P45,000.  
 Post 124 Total 455 1,397 227 $3,644.41
 POST 2485  5/1/2023   1   4   1   $0.00   IPPC donated $20.00 to help an unemployed local national who reported losing his wallet with all his cash.  
 POST 2485  5/1/2023   1   0   1   $0.00   Post hosted an Alcoholic Anonymous meeting from 1200-1300; 3 non members attended.  
 POST 2485  5/2/2023   1   0   1   $0.00   Post hosted an Alcoholic Anonymous meeting from 1900-2000; 2 non members attended.  
 POST 2485  5/2/2023   1   0   0   $0.00   Post hosted an Alcoholic Anonymous meeting from 1200-1300; 2 non members attended.  
 POST 2485  5/3/2023   1   0   3   $0.00   Post hosted an Alcoholic Anonymous meeting from 1200-1300; 5 non members attended.  
 POST 2485  5/4/2023   6   80   2   $0.00   Post Trustee 2 year and another Post member assisted 3 Veterans and 1 Veterans wife with filing Claims & Benefits. 
 POST 2485  5/6/2023   1   0   6   $0.00   Post hosted an Alcoholic Anonymous meeting from 1200-1300; 11 non members attended.  
 POST 2485  5/8/2023   6   0   1   $0.00   Post Gold legacy member assisted another Post member to shop furniture and beddings for his new apartment and with its delivery on a different date.  
 POST 2485  5/8/2023   1   0   0   $0.00   Post hosted an Alcoholic Anonymous meeting from 1200-1300; 3 non members attended.  
 POST 2485  5/8/2023   1   1   1   $375.00   Provided tuition assistance to indigent colled student 
 POST 2485  5/9/2023   4   8   2   $0.00   Post 2485 SVC and JVC made arrangements to host another free Will Planning Seminar with Q&A by 2 local Lawyers that was open to U.S. Citizens and their spouses. A total of 10 individuals (Veteran, non-Veteran and some with their spouses) attended.  
 POST 2485  5/9/2023   1   0   1   $0.00   Post hosted an Alcoholic Anonymous meeting from 1200-1300; 2 non members attended.  
 POST 2485  5/9/2023   1   1   1   $6.00   Post Trustee 2 year paid approx. $6.00 in phone charges to call TRICARE and FMP to assist Veterans with filing claims. 
 POST 2485  5/9/2023   1   2   1   $26.00   Post Trustee 2 year donated about $26.00 worth of dry dog food for his community. 
 POST 2485  5/9/2023   1   0   0   $0.00   Post hosted an Alcoholic Anonymous meeting from 1900-2000; 2 non members attended.  
 POST 2485  5/10/2023   1   0   2   $0.00   Post hosted an Alcoholic Anonymous meeting from 1200-1300; 5 non members attended.  
 POST 2485  5/10/2023   8   25   8   $0.00   Post Honor Guard conducted Pre-Burial Honor Guard Training, Rehearsal, and Drill for Rendering of Military Honors for Shay Leroy Whitmire - MSGT U.S. Air Force Retired 
 POST 2485  5/10/2023   1   0   1   $0.00   The Post Commander presented a US flag to the veteran’s next of kin of Shay Leroy Whitmire - MSGT U.S. Air Force Retired in appreciation for the veteran’s honorable and faithful service 
 POST 2485  5/10/2023   1   16   8   $0.00   Post Honor Guard rendered military honors and conducted a dignified graveside ceremony for a fallen. U.S. Air Force veteran Shay Leroy Whitmire - MSGT Retired at Clark Veterans Cemetery 
 POST 2485  5/11/2023   2   0   2   $0.00   2 Post Legacy members assisted another Post legacy member with his AFN registration.  
 POST 2485  5/13/2023   1   0   5   $0.00   Post hosted an Alcoholic Anonymous meeting from 1200-1300; 10 non members attended.  
 POST 2485  5/17/2023   3   4   1   $0.00   Post Roving Ambassador for the Manila NCR visited a Navy Veteran hospitalized at Makati Medical Center. 
 POST 2485  5/18/2023   1   14   7   $0.00   The Post Honor Guard rendered military honors and conducted a dignified graveside ceremony for a fallen USA, Veteran SFC Hermilando Ordoñez Valencia at Clark Veterans Cemetery 
 POST 2485  5/18/2023   1   0   1   $0.00   The Post Commander presented a US flag to the veteran’s next of kin of Hermilando Ordoñez Valencia - SFC U.S Army Retired in appreciation for the veteran’s honorable and faithful service 
 POST 2485  5/20/2023   150   66   30   $0.00   Conducted an Armed Forces Day Ceremony at the Battling Bastard of Bataan Memorial, Camp O’Donnell POW Camp, Capas National Shrine that was attended by scouts and the local community. 
 POST 2485  5/23/2023   2   5   2   $100.00   Post donated $100 to Malabanias Integrated School for their elementary-level student fundraiser. 
 POST 2485  5/24/2023   5   10   5   $500.00   Post Relief Committee approved giving a Post Relief Grant to a Veteran in need of immediate assistance to pay his bills and buy sustenance after suffering financial problems. 
 POST 2485  5/25/2023   9   18   9   $0.00   Post Honor Guard rendered military honors and conducted a dignified graveside ceremony for fallen US Navy Veteran MS1 Amado Vega Quito at Clark Veterans Cemetery 
 POST 2485  5/25/2023   1   0   1   $0.00   The Post Commander presented a US flag to the next of kin of MS1 Amado Vega Quito in appreciation for the veteran’s honorable and faithful service 
 POST 2485  5/25/2023   9   0   9   $0.00   Post Honor Guard conducted Pre-Burial Honor Guard Training, Rehearsal, and Drill in Preparation for the Rendering of Militar Honors for 3 fallen veterans: Raymond Gregory Mann - U.S Army Veteran, Amado Vega Quito - MS1 U.S Navy Retired, and. David Thomas Crowe - MSGT U.S Air Force Retired 
 POST 2485  5/25/2023   8   0   8   $0.00   Post Honor Guard rendered military honors and conducted a dignified graveside ceremony for a fallen USAF veteran. MSGT David Thomas Crowe - U.S Air Force Retired name at Clark Veterans Cemetery 
 POST 2485  5/25/2023   1   0   1   $0.00   The Post Commander presented a US flag to the next of kin of David Thomas Crowe - MSGT U.S Air Force Retired in appreciation for the veteran’s honorable and faithful service 
 POST 2485  5/25/2023   1   18   9   $0.00   Post Honor Guard rendered military honors and conducted a dignified graveside ceremony for fallen USA veterans Raymond Gregory Mann at Clark Veterans Cemetery 
 POST 2485  5/25/2023   1   0   1   $0.00   The Post Commander presented a US flag to the veteran’ Raymond Gregory Mann's next of kin in appreciation for the veteran’s honorable and faithful service 
 POST 2485  5/26/2023   18   20   3   $0.00   Post Officers assisted the VARO Manila in conducting a Community Outreach for veterans and family members in the Clark/ Angeles City area. Summary: 12 veterans enrolled with the clinic, 32 veterans we administered 60 vaccines, 57 veterans and widows were assisted with VA benefits claims inquires 
 POST 2485  5/27/2023   20   80   10   $20.00   A large group of Veterans, including VFW members, some with their family (VFW Auxiliary) members and friends helped the Clark Veterans Cemetery staff plant thousands of American and Philippine flags at the graves of Veterans and family members buried at Clark Veterans Cemetery in preperation for Memorial Day Ceremony on 29 May 2023. Post 2485 provided bottled water to all who helped. 
 POST 2485  5/28/2023   15   63   3   $108.00   Post members attended and laid a wreath at the US Embassy’s Memorial Day Ceremony at the Manila American Cemetery and Memorial, Fort Bonifacio, Taguig City, Metro Manila 
 POST 2485  5/28/2023   40   40   2   $832.00   Post Cmdr. and Post Member who lives near the site completely restored the Bataan Death March Kilometer 112 marker and pavilion by repaving the pavilion, built a wall & fence enclosure, repainting the marker and installed plants to beautify the WWII memorial site. 
 POST 2485  5/29/2023   6   24   3   $100.00   Post Command staff assisted American Legion Post 123 and ABMC at the annual Memorial Day Ceremony at Clark Veterans Cemetery. Members of BSA Troop 485 & 409 posted the colors, Post Cmdr. laid 2 floral wreaths for District 7 and Post 2485, Post Honor Guard played Taps and Post 2485 provided bottled water for approximately 150 attendees to the event. 
 POST 2485  5/30/2023   1   2   1   $0.00   Post Trustee 2 year assisted a Veterans with his FMP claim. 
 POST 2485  5/31/2023   3   4   1   $0.00   Post Roving Ambassador for the Manila NCR visited a Navy Veteran hospitalized at Philippine General Hospital. 
 POST 2485  5/31/2023   12   20   1   $0.00   For 6 days, Post Trustee 2 year helped the widow of a Gold Legacy Life member to get control of her late husbands bank accounts. 
 POST 2485  6/1/2023   2   10   8   $0.00   Post 2485 Honor Guard held pre-burial practice at the Post conference room, then rendered military honors along with FRA Branch 367 for Comrade Ronald Marshall Raine, USMC Retired, during his funeral service at 9 am at Clark Veterans Cemetery. Members of Post 2485 Auxiliary also attended to pay their respects.  
 POST 2485  6/1/2023   2   10   8   $0.00   Post 2485 Honor Guard held pre-burial practice at the Post Conference room, then rendered military honors for Comrade Lance David Taylor, USAF Veteran, during his funeral service at 10 am at Clark Veterans Cemetery. Members of Post 2485 Auxiliary also attended to pay their respects.  
 POST 2485  6/2/2023   2   16   8   $0.00   Post 2485 Honor Guard held pre-burial practice at the Post conference room, then rendered military honors for Comrade Salvador K. Magana, USAF Retired, during his funeral service at 9 am at Clark Veterans Cemetery. Members of Post 2485 Auxiliary also attended to pay their respects.  
 POST 2485  6/3/2023   1   0   6   $0.00   Post hosted an Alcoholic Anonymous meeting from 1200-1300; 11 non members attended.  
 POST 2485  6/4/2023   1   0   1   $375.00   Provided tuition assistance to indigent colled student  
 POST 2485  6/5/2023   1   0   0   $0.00   Post hosted an Alcoholic Anonymous meeting from 1200-1300; 2 non members attended.  
 POST 2485  6/6/2023   1   0   1   $0.00   Post hosted an Alcoholic Anonymous meeting from 1200-1300; 2 non members attended.  
 POST 2485  6/6/2023   2   14   7   $0.00   Post 2485 Honor Guard held pre-burial practice at the Post conference room, then rendered military honors along with FRA Branch 367 for Comrade Marcelino Barbero Viloria, USN Veteran, during his funeral service at 9 am at Clark Veterans Cemetery. Members of Post 2485 Auxiliary also attended to pay their respects.  
 POST 2485  6/6/2023   2   14   7   $0.00   Post 2485 Honor Guard held pre-burial practice at the Post conference room, then rendered military honors for Comrade Mark W. Bennett, U.S. Army Veteran, during his funeral service at 10 am at Clark Veterans Cemetery. Members of Post 2485 Auxiliary also attended to pay their respects.  
 POST 2485  6/7/2023   1   0   3   $0.00   Post hosted an Alcoholic Anonymous meeting from 1200-1300; 5 non members attended.  
 POST 2485  6/7/2023   0   0   1   $220.00   Gold Legacy Life Member donated $220 for student college graduation.  
 POST 2485  6/8/2023   4   20   1   $0.00   Post Service Officer assisted 2 veterans with filing VA, TRICARE and FMP claims.  
 POST 2485  6/8/2023   2   70   1   $0.00   Post Legacy Life member assisted the Post Service Officer with helping veterans and their families with making VA, TRICARE and FMP claims.  
 POST 2485  6/8/2023   2   16   8   $0.00   Post 2485 Honor Guard held pre-burial practice at the Post conference room, then rendered military honors for Comrade Charles E. Orr, U.S. Army Veteran, during his funeral service at 9 am at Clark Veterans Cemetery. Members of Post 2485 Auxiliary also attended to pay their respects.  
 POST 2485  6/9/2023   2   2   1   $6.00   Post Service Officer phone charges for calling TRICARE and FMP to help veterans with their claims.  
 POST 2485  6/9/2023   2   2   1   $26.00   Post Service Officer donated $26.00 in dry dog food to help a dog in his community.  
 POST 2485  6/10/2023   1   0   4   $0.00   Post hosted an Alcoholic Anonymous meeting from 1200-1300; 11 non members attended.  
 POST 2485  6/12/2023   1   0   1   $0.00   Post hosted an Alcoholic Anonymous meeting from 1200-1300; 2 non members attended.  
 POST 2485  6/13/2023   1   0   0   $0.00   Post hosted an Alcoholic Anonymous meeting from 1200-1300; 4 non members attended.  
 POST 2485  6/14/2023   1   0   3   $0.00   Post hosted an Alcoholic Anonymous meeting from 1200-1300; 3 non members attended.  
 POST 2485  6/15/2023   5   20   1   $0.00   Post Service Officer assisted 2 veterans and 2 spouses of veterans with filing VA, TRICARE and FMP benefit claims.  
 POST 2485  6/16/2023   1   0   1   $0.00   Post Service Officer assisted the widow of a veteran with calling the deceased veterans insurance claim.  
 POST 2485  6/17/2023   2   2   1   $0.00   Post Service Officer assisted a veteran's spouse with filing a VA benefit claim.  
 POST 2485  6/17/2023   1   0   5   $0.00   Post hosted an Alcoholic Anonymous meeting from 1200-1300; 13 non members attended.  
 POST 2485  6/19/2023   1   0   1   $0.00   Post hosted an Alcoholic Anonymous meeting from 1200-1300; 3 non members attended.  
 POST 2485  6/19/2023   2   20   2   $300.00   2 Gold Legacy Life Members delivered the donated ($300) food items to Duyan ni Maria Children's Home Inc. (children's orphanage).  
 POST 2485  6/21/2023   20   175   3   $1,661.00   Working with the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Manila, the Post Commander and Senior Vice Commander revised and replaced a memorial plaque to World War II Czechoslovakian Heroes. Seven additional names were added to the original seven names engraved on the Czech marker at the Capas Nation Shrine. These heroes fought the Battle of Bataan, endured the Bataan Death March, were imprisoned, and died at Camp O’Donnell POW Camp at the hands of the Imperial Japanese Force in WWII.  
 POST 2485  6/22/2023   2   14   7   $0.00   Post 2485 Honor Guard held pre-burial practice at the Post conference room, then rendered military honors for Comrade Robert D. Cody, USAF Retired, during his funeral service at 9 am at Clark Veterans Cemetery. Members of Post 2485 Auxiliary also attended to pay their respects.  
 POST 2485  6/22/2023   2   20   1   $0.00   Post Service Officer assisted 2 veterans and 1 spouses of a veteran with filing VA, TRICARE and FMP benefit claims.  
 POST 2485  6/23/2023   4   0   1   $0.00   A Legacy Life member assisted a veteran with shopping for a new refrigerator and a smart tv along with other things for his new home.  
 POST 2485  6/23/2023   2   10   1   $0.00   Post Service Officer assisted the widow of a veteranwith filing TRICARE and DFAS benefit claims.  
 POST 2485  6/24/2023   1   0   5   $0.00   Post hosted an Alcoholic Anonymous meeting from 1200-1300; 11 non members attended.  
 POST 2485  6/26/2023   1   0   0   $0.00   Post hosted an Alcoholic Anonymous meeting from 1200-1300; 2 non members attended.  
 POST 2485  6/27/2023   1   0   1   $0.00   Post hosted an Alcoholic Anonymous meeting from 1200-1300; 2 non members attended.  
 POST 2485  6/27/2023   1   0   0   $0.00   Post hosted an Alcoholic Anonymous meeting from 1900-2000; 2 non members attended.  
 POST 2485  6/27/2023   1   0   1   $0.00   Post Service Officer assisted the widow of a veteran with filing TRICARE and DFAS benefit claims.  
 POST 2485  6/28/2023   1   0   3   $0.00   Post hosted an Alcoholic Anonymous meeting from 1200-1300; 3 non members attended.  
 POST 2485  6/30/2023   7   2   1   $0.00   Legacy Life Member and 4 Auxiliary members assisted another Life member to move to his new apartment. Packed 5 boxes and unpacked them in his new home.  
 POST 2485  7/3/2023   1   0   0   $0.00    Post hosted an Alcoholic Anonymous meeting from 1200-1300; 3 non members attended.  
 POST 2485  7/3/2023   1   0   1   $385.00   Provided tuition assistance to indigent colled student  
 POST 2485  7/5/2023   1   0   1   $0.00    Post hosted an Alcoholic Anonymous meeting from 1200-1300; 4 non members attended.  
 POST 2485  7/6/2023   2   10   8   $0.00   Post 2485 Honor Guard held pre-burial practice at the Post conference room, then rendered military honors along with FRA Branch 367 for Comrade Marcelino Barbero Viloria, US Navy veteran, during his funeral service at 9 am at Clark Veterans Cemetery. Members of Post 2485 Auxiliary also attended to pay their respects.  
 POST 2485  7/6/2023   1   0   8   $0.00   Post 2485 Honor Guard held pre-burial practice at the Post conference room, then rendered military honors for Comrade Robert Wayne Moses, TSgt USAF Retired, during his funeral service at 9 am at Clark Veterans Cemetery. Members of Post 2485 Auxiliary also attended to pay their respects.  
 POST 2485  7/7/2023   2   10   8   $0.00   Post 2485 Honor Guard held pre-burial practice at the Post conference room, then rendered military honors along with FRA Branch 367 for Comrade Charles Joseph Dugan, US Navy Retired, during his funeral service at 9 am at Clark Veterans Cemetery.  
 POST 2485  7/8/2023   1   0   5   $0.00    Post hosted an Alcoholic Anonymous meeting from 1200-1300; 12 non members attended.  
 POST 2485  7/10/2023   1   0   1   $0.00    Post hosted an Alcoholic Anonymous meeting from 1200-1300; 2 non members attended.  
 POST 2485  7/11/2023   1   0   7   $0.00   Post 2485 Honor Guard held pre-burial practice at the Post conference room, then rendered military honors for Comrade Curtis Lee Carter, during his funeral service at 10 am at Clark Veterans Cemetery. Members of Post 2485 Auxiliary also attended to pay their respects.  
 POST 2485  7/11/2023   1   0   0   $0.00    Post hosted an Alcoholic Anonymous meeting from 1900-2000; 2 non members attended.  
 POST 2485  7/11/2023   1   0   1   $0.00    Post hosted an Alcoholic Anonymous meeting from 1200-1300; 3 non members attended.  
 POST 2485  7/11/2023   2   0   8   $0.00   Post 2485 Honor Guard held pre-burial practice at the Post conference room, then rendered military honors for Comrade Mark William Bennett US Army veteran, during his funeral service at 9 am at Clark Veterans Cemetery. Members of Post 2485 Auxiliary also attended to pay their respects.  
 POST 2485  7/12/2023   1   0   2   $0.00    Post hosted an Alcoholic Anonymous meeting from 1200-1300; 3 non members attended.  
 POST 2485  7/15/2023   1   0   3   $0.00    Post hosted an Alcoholic Anonymous meeting from 1200-1300; 10 non members attended.  
 POST 2485  7/17/2023   1   0   1   $0.00    Post hosted an Alcoholic Anonymous meeting from 1200-1300; 3 non members attended.  
 POST 2485  7/18/2023   0   0   3   $0.00   Post Legacy members placed an annual wreath on baby Kevin Flannery's headstone at Clark Veterans Cemetery whose mother is an avid supporter of the Post for over 25 years.  
 POST 2485  7/18/2023   2   0   5   $0.00   Post 2485 Honor Guard held pre-burial practice at the Post conference room, then rendered military honors for Comrade Richard Cirilo Abisia Sr USAF retired veteran, during his funeral service at 10 am at Clark Veterans Cemetery. Members of Post 2485 Auxiliary also attended to pay their respects.  
 POST 2485  7/18/2023   1   0   1   $0.00    Post hosted an Alcoholic Anonymous meeting from 1900-2000; 2 non members attended.  
 POST 2485  7/18/2023   1   0   1   $0.00    Post hosted an Alcoholic Anonymous meeting from 1200-1300; 3 non members attended.  
 POST 2485  7/19/2023   1   0   3   $0.00    Post hosted an Alcoholic Anonymous meeting from 1200-1300; 4 non members attended.  
 POST 2485  7/21/2023   1   0   1   $200.00   Provided graduation fee for indigent college student  
 POST 2485  7/22/2023   1   0   5   $0.00    Post hosted an Alcoholic Anonymous meeting from 1200-1300; 11 non members attended.  
 POST 2485  7/25/2023   1   0   1   $0.00    Post hosted an Alcoholic Anonymous meeting from 1200-1300; 3 non members attended.  
 POST 2485  7/25/2023   2   0   6   $0.00   Post 2485 Honor Guard held pre-burial practice at the Post conference room, then rendered military honors for Comrade Fernando Ortiz, USA veteran, during his funeral service at 10 am at Clark Veterans Cemetery. Members of Post 2485 Auxiliary also attended to pay their respects.  
 POST 2485  7/25/2023   1   0   1   $0.00    Post hosted an Alcoholic Anonymous meeting from 1900-2000; 2 non members attended.  
 POST 2485  7/26/2023   2   0   7   $0.00   Post 2485 Honor Guard held pre-burial practice at the Post conference room, then rendered military honors for Comrade Richard Leon Shafer, USMC veteran, during his funeral service at 9 am at Clark Veterans Cemetery. Members of Post 2485 Auxiliary also attended to pay their respects.  
 POST 2485  7/26/2023   0   0   1   $500.00   Donated $500 from KIDOP funds to assist a Post Life member whose son was born with breathing issues.  
 POST 2485  7/26/2023   1   0   2   $0.00   Post hosted an Alcoholic Anonymous meeting from 1200-1300; 4 non members attended.  
 POST 2485  7/27/2023   2   0   1   $0.00   JVC assisted a Post life member in obtaining an additional financial assistance ($500) from DPA Veterans Assistance Funds, whose son was born with life threatening issues.  
 POST 2485  7/27/2023   6   0   1   $1,129.00   Post legacy member with 3 Post Auxiliary members purchased school supplies for 240 indigent students for the Balik Eskuwela Brigada (Back to School Brigade). The students are from 3 different local schools (Malabanias Integrated School, Sitio Baag and Sapang Bato Elementary School).  
 POST 2485  7/29/2023   1   0   5   $0.00   Post hosted an Alcoholic Anonymous meeting from 1200-1300; 12 non members attended.  
 POST 2485  7/30/2023   30   0   3   $0.00   Post Service Officer and 2 other Post Legacy members assisted 19 veterans and their spouses with various claims and benefits like, Social Security, Tricare, FMP, banking assistance etc.  
 Post 2485 Total 506 982 361 $6,869.00
 POST 9892  5/1/2023   1   1   1   $196.00   donated to my student scholorship jessica M  
 POST 9892  5/1/2023   1   1   1   $145.00   donated to Lorde D. my scholorship student  
 POST 9892  5/1/2023   1   1   1   $100.00   donated for medical prescription  
 POST 9892  5/2/2023   1   6   1   $0.00   Attended the VVA 887 Monthly Meeting and briefed a Service Officer Report  
 POST 9892  5/4/2023   6   1   1   $0.00   Created schedule, Officiated games, tracked and published results of Local Pool league Singles tournament 
 POST 9892  5/5/2023   1   239   1   $55.00   donated to the district at district mtg  
 POST 9892  5/6/2023   1   26   1   $165.00   donated money for scholarship students i am aiding (two)  
 POST 9892  5/9/2023   3   3   2   $50.00   the Post JVC and Quartermaster attended a joint meeting with the City of San Fernando, Junior Chamber of Commerce International (Manila), Philippines Coast Guard and the Philippine Navy to plan a artificial reef project.  
 POST 9892  5/10/2023   16   8   2   $225.00   donated time and equipment for working with JCI, Coast Guard, City of SF, Navy to put reef ball sna d plaques ans 1000 cement block for artificial reef.  
 POST 9892  5/11/2023   16   8   2   $225.00   continuation of donating time and equipment for working with JCI, Coast Guard, City of SF, Navy to put reef balls and plaques and 1000 cement block for artificial reef.  
 POST 9892  5/11/2023   8   1   1   $18.00   Collected fees, developed menu, ordered Trophy's, distributed funds, paid for team meals and drinks, officiated Singles Final Shoot-Out, managed drawing, for End of Season Local Pool League Party 
 POST 9892  5/12/2023   1   3   4   $0.00   Conducted the DAV TBH Ch3 monthly meeting and briefed a Service Officer Report.  
 POST 9892  5/12/2023   14   8   2   $310.00   final day of donated time and equipment for working with JCI, Coast Guard, City of SF, Navy to put reef balls and plaques and 1000 cement block for artificial reef.  
 POST 9892  5/12/2023   2   0   1   $0.00   Attended the Manila VA Zoom Service Officer's Training Event.  
 POST 9892  5/16/2023   2   5   1   $10.00   The Post JVC attended the Sea For Life Project closing ceremony at the Philippines Naval Forces Northern Luzon Base in San Fernando City La Union to recognize the successful conclusion of the artificial reef project. the JVC was recognized for his contributions.  
 POST 9892  5/18/2023   8   1   1   $0.00   Conducted Captain's Meeting for next Local Pool League Season, built schedule, developed Doubles Tournament, Tracked results, collected fees, distributed prizes 
 POST 9892  5/22/2023   4   75   2   $0.00   visited james kiper who is =bed ridden and assisting his spouse with renewing his passport and his srrv card.  
 POST 9892  5/23/2023   4   3   1   $20.00   In conjunction with the Rotary Club International the Post JVC attended the PDG Rudy Nisce Foundation Scholarship presentation a award ceremony.  
 POST 9892  5/25/2023   2   6   2   $40.00   The Post JVC and Quartermaster donated two bags of dog food to the Dogs Mountain Sanctuary in Naguilian, la Union. Dogs Mountain Sanctuary takes in abandoned street dogs and provide a safe and healthy place for the to live where they receive medical attention, food and shelter.  
 POST 9892  5/27/2023   40   20   3   $10.00   Took attendance, Collected fee, recorded runs, posted reports, distributed funds, for 3 weeks, Scouted one trail, marked one trail for Local Hash Chapter 
 POST 9892  5/29/2023   1   8   3   $0.00   Attend the annual Memorial Day Ceremony at the ABMC Clark Veterans Cemetery.  
 POST 9892  5/29/2023   1   6   3   $0.00   Attended the ABMC Memorial Day Event.  
 POST 9892  5/29/2023   3   20   2   $50.00   Ceremony at Clark Cemetery, Angeles City  
 POST 9892  5/29/2023   6   52   8   $100.00   Cleaned grave sites of Comrades in various cemeteries in central La Union, held a ceremony at the grave of the MOH recipient.  
 POST 9892  5/31/2023   3   0   1   $455.00   paid school Schorship for 3 persons. jessica, aveh, and rose. for month of june and jul and graduation. 
 POST 9892  5/31/2023   6   48   6   $0.00   Attended six burial ceremonies at the ABMC Clark Veterans Cemetery during May 2023  
 POST 9892  6/1/2023   1   3   1   $0.00   Paid Steven Myers caregivers their weekly salaries..  
 POST 9892  6/8/2023   1   3   1   $0.00   Paid Steven Myers caregivers their weekly salaries..  
 POST 9892  6/9/2023   1   3   3   $0.00   Conducted the DAV TBH ch#3 monthly meeting and briefed the Service Officer Report..  
 POST 9892  6/15/2023   1   3   1   $0.00   Paid Steven Myers caregivers their weekly salaries..  
 POST 9892  6/16/2023   8   350   2   $130.00   bought and picked up fireworks from bulacan for the july 4 celebrations  
 POST 9892  6/17/2023   2   18   1   $120.00   donated to locate students for their school/graduation fees  
 POST 9892  6/17/2023   2   8   2   $0.00   Visited Veterans Michael Murphy and Roger Hendrick in the Medical City Clark Hospital..  
 POST 9892  6/19/2023   4   100   2   $50.00   Assisted veteran retrieving his motorbike  
 POST 9892  6/22/2023   1   3   1   $0.00   Visited home bound Veteran Malcolm McCallum.  
 POST 9892  6/22/2023   1   3   1   $0.00   Paid Steven Myers caregivers their weekly salaries..  
 POST 9892  6/22/2023   1   3   1   $0.00   Visited Steven Myers bed bound at home and dropped off his FPO Mail.  
 POST 9892  6/24/2023   50   30   4   $15.00   Took attendance, Collected fee, recorded runs, posted reports, distributed funds, for 4 weeks, Scouted one trail, marked one trail for Local Hash Chapter 
 POST 9892  6/28/2023   3   105   6   $510.00   gib, tim, pete, charlie,bud donated 5k peos each and dz donated 1200 pesos to Mike Grider for his assistance for family emergencies/deaths  
 POST 9892  6/28/2023   3   75   3   $0.00   gib and tim check in on jim kiper who is bedridden with a stroke  
 POST 9892  6/29/2023   1   3   1   $0.00   Paid Steven Myers caregivers their weekly salaries..  
 POST 9892  6/29/2023   2   6   1   $40.00   The Post JVC donated two bags of dog food to Dogs Mountain Sanctuary.  
 POST 9892  6/30/2023   5   40   5   $0.00   Attended five burial ceremonies at the ABMC Clark Veterans Cemetery during May 2023  
 POST 9892  7/1/2023   4   2   3   $200.00   VFW Post 9892 sponsored and three Comrades attended the American Independence celebration in San Fernando, La Union where fireworks and an American style BBQ was provided to the local expat community.  
 POST 9892  7/7/2023   4   40   2   $25.00   Visited Comrade Jim Kuiper who is bedridden since his stroke  
 POST 9892  7/12/2023   3   255   2   $651.00   assisted don aukshun in his community clean up prior to his moving up ceremoney  
 POST 9892  7/12/2023   8   120   1   $250.00   Final efforts to the Bantay, Ilocos Sur health center refurb project.  
 POST 9892  7/22/2023   3   12   1   $0.00   The Post JVC represented Post 9892 at Navy SEAL Senior Chief Lane Gerdes' retirement from military service.  
 POST 9892  7/26/2023   1   0   1   $0.00   Attended the Manila VA Clinic Zoom Meeting as our Post 9892 Service Officer.  
 POST 9892  7/26/2023   1   0   1   $0.00   Attended Manila VA Zoom Meeting dispensing valuable data concerning veterans claims submissions.  
 POST 9892  7/29/2023   20   4   5   $5.00   Took attendance, Collected fee, recorded runs, posted reports, distributed funds, for 2 weeks, Recorded runs, posted reports 3 weeks for Local Hash Chapter 
 POST 9892  7/31/2023   6   48   6   $0.00   Attended six burial ceremonies at the ABMC Clark Veterans Cemetery during July 2023  
 Post 9892 Total 289 1,787 112 $4,170.00
 POST 11447  5/2/2023   9   36   1   $0.00   Process death certificate and burial paperwork for Shay L. Whitmore, TSGT, Air Force(ret). Neil McAuliffe Sr  
 POST 11447  5/2/2023   1   1   1   $0.00   Assisted an Amerasian in the collection of a DNA sample and mailing it back to the USA through RAO Angeles City. Barry Larson  
 POST 11447  5/5/2023   3   6   1   $0.00   Processed burial paperwork for Bob Kuehl and Richard Hall. Neil McAuliffe Sr.  
 POST 11447  5/6/2023   12   205   6   $0.00   VFW Day of Service event. Cleaned up Driftwood Beach in Barrio Barretto, Zambales. 6 Post members  
 POST 11447  5/7/2023   21   328   8   $0.00   Performed Honor Guard funeral honors for US Navy Veteran Wilfredo Duco Reyes. at Old Cemetery in Cabangan, Zambales,  
 POST 11447  5/10/2023   2   1   1   $0.00   Attended the funeral of Shay Whitmore at Clark Vets Cemetery. Neil McAuliffe Sr  
 POST 11447  5/11/2023   24   199   7   $0.00   Performed Honor Guard detail for Robert Hall funeral at Clark Veterans Cemetery. 7 Post members  
 POST 11447  5/11/2023   2   3   1   $0.00   Attended the funeral of Robert Kuehl at Clark Veterans Cemetery. Neil McAuliffe Sr  
 POST 11447  5/20/2023   75   65   1   $0.00   Time spent getting all the requirements for the funeral/burial of Raymond Mann at Clark Veterans Cemetery. Neil McAuliffe Sr.  
 POST 11447  5/23/2023   48   30   1   $0.00   Time spent getting all requirements for Dave Crowe Funeral/Burial at Clark Veterans Cemetery. Neil McAuliffe Sr.  
 POST 11447  5/23/2023   52   42   1   $0.00   Time spent getting all rewquirements for Amado Quito Funeral/Burial at Clark Veterans Cemetery. Neil McAuliffe Sr  
 POST 11447  5/25/2023   4   3   1   $0.00   Attended the funerals of Amado Quito, Dave Crowe, and Ray Mann at Clark Veterans Cemetery today. Neil McAuliffe Sr.  
 POST 11447  5/30/2023   5   20   1   $0.00   Processed paperwork for Lance Taylor funeral at Clark Veterans Cemetery.. Neil McAuliffe Sr 
 POST 11447  5/30/2023   16   50   1   $0.00   Processed paperwork for funeral and burial of Capt Raine, USMC at Clark Veterans Cemetery. Neil McAuliffe Sr. 
 POST 11447  5/30/2023   21   45   1   $0.00   Processed paperwork for funeral and burial of Salvador Magana, TSGT, USAF at Clark Veterans Cemetery. Neil McAuliffe Sr. 
 POST 11447  6/1/2023   2   3   1   $0.00   Attended the funeral of LtCol Raine at Clark Veterans Cemetery. Barry Larson 
 POST 11447  6/1/2023   3   3   1   $0.00   Attended the funerals of LtCol Raine and Lance Taylor USAF veteran at Clark Veterans Cemetery. Neil McAuliffe Sr 
 POST 11447  6/2/2023   2   3   1   $0.00   Attended the funeral and burial of TSGT Salvado Magana, USAF at Clark Veterans Cemetery. Neil McAuliffe Sr. 
 POST 11447  6/5/2023   12   42   1   $0.00   Preparation of paperwork for funeral/burial of Charles Orr, US Army veteran at Clark Veterans Cemetery. Neil McAuliffe Sr. 
 POST 11447  6/8/2023   2   3   1   $0.00   Attended the funeral/burial for Ernest Orr, USA Veteran at Clark Veterans Cemetery. Neil McAuliffe Sr.  
 POST 11447  6/10/2023   6   15   1   $0.00   Processed paperwork for funeral/burial of Robert Cody, USAF, retired. Neil McAuliffe Sr  
 POST 11447  6/19/2023   18   42   1   $0.00   Processed paperwork for shipping Laurence Hite, USAF Veteran back to the uSA for burial. Neil McAuliffe Sr.  
 POST 11447  6/22/2023   2   3   1   $0.00   Attended the funeral/burial of Robert Cody at Clark Veterans Cemetery. Neil McAuliffe Sr  
 POST 11447  6/23/2023   15   7   1   $0.00   Gathering up and processing paperwork for funeral/burial for Marcelino Vilioria, US Navy Veteran. Neil McAuliffe Sr.  
 POST 11447  6/23/2023   6   7   1   $0.00   Gathering up and processing funeral/burial paperwork for Mark Bennett USA Veteran.. Neil McAuliffe Sr  
 POST 11447  7/2/2023   3   3   1   $0.00   Processed funeral/burial paperwork for Curtis Carter, US Army Veteran. Neil McAuliffe Sr  
 POST 11447  7/3/2023   16   10   1   $0.00   Neil McAuliffe processed burial paperwork for Charles Dugan  
 POST 11447  7/4/2023   3   20   8   $0.00   Attend American Legion Post 4, 4th July Social  
 POST 11447  7/4/2023   3   10   10   $0.00   Post 11447 Fil/Am Celebration  
 POST 11447  7/6/2023   4   99   3   $0.00   Mike Verville 4 hrs 96 miles attended the funeral of Robert Moses at Clark Veterans Cemetery Barry Larson 3 hrs 3 miles attended the funerals of Marcelino Viloria and Robert Moses at Clark Veterans Cemetery Neil McAuliffe Sr 3 hrs 3 miles attended the funerals of Marcelino Viloria and Robert Moses at Clark Veterans Cemetery  
 POST 11447  7/7/2023   4   3   2   $0.00   Attended the funeral/burial of Charles Dugan. Neil McAuliffe Sr and Barry Larson  
 POST 11447  7/11/2023   3   3   1   $0.00   Curtis L. Carter, US Army Veteran and Mark W. Bennett US Army Veteran at Clark Veterans Cemetery. Neil McAuliffe Sr  
 POST 11447  7/11/2023   2   5   1   $0.00   Helped Smallwood on VA Claims. Brumfield  
 POST 11447  7/12/2023   1   2   1   $0.00   Larson home visit to "Turkey" Tom Aldrich on 7/12/23. 1 hr total. 2 miles.  
 POST 11447  7/18/2023   2   5   1   $0.00   Helped Smallwood with VA Claims. Brumfield  
 POST 11447  7/18/2023   1   2   1   $0.00   Home visit to Christy Lewis her husband passed away the day prior.  
 POST 11447  7/18/2023   1   2   1   $0.00   Home visit to Richard Smallwood who is home bound  
 POST 11447  7/19/2023   3   15   1   $0.00   Classroom renovation at Aningway-Sacatihan Elementary School ..Troy Derby  
 POST 11447  7/20/2023   3   15   1   $0.00   Painting classroom at Aningway-Sacatihan Elementary School - Troy Derby  
 POST 11447  7/22/2023   5   100   1   $0.00   Honor Guard service for Victor Panilagao. Allen  
 POST 11447  7/22/2023   1   10   4   $0.00   Honor Guard service for Victor Panilagao. Derby, Strampp, Rogers, Mummy  
 POST 11447  7/23/2023   4   10   1   $791.98   Handed out student bonuses for 124 Scholarship students $791.98...Noel Aquilino  
 POST 11447  7/23/2023   4   1   2   $791.98   Handed out student bonuses for 124 Scholarship students $791.98...Troy Derby, Jim Rogers  
 Post 11447 Total 426 1,477 84 $1,583.96
 POST 12130  5/7/2023   1   0   1   $0.00   Post 12130 Service Officer is assisting the family of a recently deceased veteran in receiving burial benefits and compensation for funeral/burial expenses. .  
 POST 12130  5/8/2023   1   30   2   $20.00   Traveled to a fellow veterans house to do a welfare check. Veteran claims to be doing fine.  
 POST 12130  5/19/2023   2   11   2   $0.00   Meeting with US Embassy and US Consulate personnel to identify veterans rights/benefits, and available US State Department resources to Veterans living overseas. Identified available resources, and areas of concern.  
 POST 12130  5/20/2023   12   35   2   $0.00   Conducted a mental health and wellness check on another veteran. Many hours were spent just talking. Veteran is doing good hope to see him again soon.  
 POST 12130  5/28/2023   20   25   5   $60.00   Performed Memorial Day Wreath Laying, Honor Guard Ceremony Services at La Carreta Veterans Cemetary.  
 POST 12130  5/28/2023   5   25   5   $60.00   Performed Memorial Day Wreath Laying and Honor Guard duties at Cebu City Veterans Cemetery.  
 POST 12130  6/7/2023   12   18   3   $100.00   Check on veteran and spouse, having dinner, before final departure to Continental US for undetermined amount of time. So veteran can finish and prepare VA issues.  
 POST 12130  6/26/2023   32   44   4   $0.00   Assisted Veterans Administration and area veterans in the coordination and assistance for the VA outreach performed 26 June at the Waterfront Hotel Cebu. This is an opportunity for veterans in the Visayas Region to obtain needed vaccinations, mental health assistance, VA Claims Assistance, without prolonged costly travel to other areas.  
 POST 12130  6/30/2023   4   5   2   $20.00   Performed health and wellness check on veteran with medical issues, to offer assistance, check on well being of the veteran.  
 POST 12130  7/6/2023   0   0   2   $0.00   Was contacted by a veteran in Davao who conducted a welfare check on me and I also did one on the veteran.  
 POST 12130  7/6/2023   0   0   2   $0.00   Was contacted by a VFW member in Cebu who conducted a welfare check on me and I also did one on the veteran.  
 POST 12130  7/12/2023   2   20   2   $0.00   Assisted another VFW Post Member in transporting a recently deceased veteran's vehicle to a more secure location until next of kin decides on future outcome of the vehicle.  
 POST 12130  7/12/2023   3   60   2   $100.00   Assisted in supporting the fiance, both mentally and emotionally, for the creamation of a recently deceased veteran.  
 POST 12130  7/29/2023   2   20   2   $0.00   Two VFW Post 12130 members attended the funeral of a veteran and presented the U.S. burial flag to his next of kin.  
 District 7 Total 1,771 5,936 820 $16,627.37
 Department Total 8,720 32,218 2,746 $85,861.33